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"Come on try it," he said handing the chill bottle in my hand, I was sweating even tho this was my idea, I was nervous. I brought it near my nose and smelled it, it smelled sweet or if I put it correctly then like a floral-y scent. I liked it but I didn't want to taste it. Well, I wanted to.

"Will I be okay? I mean I'll not get high or something right?"

He stared at me for a moment as if considering whether to tell me the truth or to lie so I'll feel better. His face was serious now and he placed his hand on my shoulder and I tensed.

"You will not get high from one bottle of beer, trust me, you don't have to drink it if you don't want to okay no one is forcing"

"Yeah I know" I brought it near my mouth and slowly took a sip, it tasted sweet but not sugar sweet it was more like jaggery sweet and it was bitter, it weirdly didn't burn my throat like I've read in books so all good, I took another sip this time a little long, it was not the best thing I've had but for some reason I wanted to finish it. I took the last sip and placed it on the table, I was waiting for something to happen to me but I felt totally fine, guess they said wrong in all those movies and books, I looked over to see Nikum staring at me with a small smile on his face. My heart did a flip. And with that, I finished two bottles.

He took a sip from his bottle and my god was he not looking sexy, I wish I could lick the Whoa okay let's calm down, we can't do that and we should KNOW that. Keep your fantasy for the bedroom. Okay, now that sounds way weirder. If I could just touch his neck right now I would go to heaven-

"Hellooo you here my man?" Nikum waved his hand in front of me and I came back to reality. I couldn't believe I was thinking that when he was right next to me.

Is the alcohol doing this? Nah it's just me.

"Do you want pizza?"


He looks so good, look at his eyes oh and his hair only if I could touch it, touch him, okay okay I need to think straight, well that's not gonna happen, gosh I'm funny! I want to be closer to him, on the count of three let's hug him and maybe we can-

He asked me something but I was too lost in my thoughts to hear them so I just nodded without knowing and he went back to his phone, I took a deep breath and suddenly I felt very light like my body had no weight, I liked that feeling, I moved a little closer and snuggled up against his shoulder which caused his to jerk a little but I held him a little tighter.

"I think I'm drunk," I said looking up at him with a pout, which I don't know why I did, he chuckled and ruffled my hair which caused me to blush harder.

"You make me feel so.." He trailed off and I slipped myself from his shoulder onto his lap, I don't know what was happening to me, how was I able to do that without freaking out? Usually, I would cry even if he smiled at me but today I was under control and in full confidence which I should be daily. I mean I really should stop breaking down daily over how pretty Nikum's hair is.

"Can you stop pouting?" he said and unintentionally I pouted again, okay something is seriously wrong here and I'm a little concerned, what is up with me acting so weirdly?

He was not looking at me now and from where I was I only see his jaw, my hands automatically reached to trace it and he didn't move away so I continued tracing his jaw and then his eyes, my hands were closer to his mouth now but I knew I couldn't touch it, my head was feeling dizzy. I felt a firm grip on my wrist and I rose my head, my eyes were half open and something weird was happening in my chest, when that happened. I felt a warm pair of lips on my mouth, rough yet soft, I stopped breathing, stopped moving, and my soul left my body.

His cold hands touched the back of my head and I sat properly, his lips were moving but I was too stunned to do anything, suddenly I was very much aware of our surroundings. I felt hot now I don't know if it was because of the room or him kissing me, but he pulled me closer and I tried to copy his movements. He cupped my face while my hand roamed in his hair, I tried moving my lips like his, slowly, he tasted like the beer we had, my heart was about to burst open from my chest, he slowly put his hand under my shirt, his hand touching my bare skin which made me shiver, he pulled out and pressed his forehead against mine. We both took deep breaths several times. I changed my position and sat next to him.

"Nikum" I began, but I didn't know what to say I was clueless, what if this was just a casual kiss at the moment? Maybe it didn't mean anything to him. It will be better if I shut my mouth because if I say something I will run-

"Don't overthink this Aarav, I like you, I kissed you because I like you"

"I'm not overthinking- wait, di-did you just say? Wait- WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE", that's it, that was it. I have nothing left to live for, my face would have torn because of how hard I was smiling, "You like me?"

"Yes, I like you" and he closed the space between us with a brief peck.

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