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"Okay, keep your eyes open."

"They are open-"

"Closed! I mean closed!" I peek out the door to see if they have shut their eyes; surprisingly, they have.

I walk out, twirling. Then I realize their eyes are closed. "Oh, open your eyes."

"Wow, that's... That's good", Nikum says and looks at Aarav. I smile at him and look at Dev, straightening my jacket. He smiles and shows me a thumbs-up. I knew it! I look incredible.

"No, nope, you are not wearing that, alright?" Aarav speaks up.

"Why not!?"

"Because you are going to a cafe, on a date. Not to a fancy dinner party. Why would you wear a tuxedo? And why do you even have this?"

I stare at him in disbelief. Did he just ask me that?

"Why do I have this? Aarav, my entire life I waited for this moment. This one moment so I could wear-"

"Nick," Aarav uses his warning tone. Not that I'm afraid of him; he is tinier than me. I won't budge.

"Alright fine, I'll change if you hate this so much."

I storm away and enter my closet; I am rich, so I have a walk-in closet. Aarav enters after me, picking something more normal for me. I sit on the floor and look at him.

"Do I look that bad?"

He sighs and turns towards me, "You look hot, just not try the correct thing to wear today."

I get up and walk real close to him just so he can have gay panic. Or normal panic. Just panic, dammit. I lift his chin with my finger, and he takes my finger and twists it.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I cry in pain. Nikum and Dev enter, and I run to Dev, hiding behind him, and point to Rav. "He twisted my finger."

"Hm? Oh, Aarav, that's not good. Be a good boy.", Nikum says with a little smile on his face. Alright, why was that oddly sexual? Dev smacks Nikum's arm and glares at him.

"You aren't allowed to speak to my brother.", he says to Nikum, then he turns and whispers to me, "Is it me or what he said sound a little...hot?". We both agree it was.

After a bit of banter between Dev and Aarav on why Nikum can't talk to him, we finally focus on me. Nikum is the one who picks out what I will wear: blue baggy jeans and a pink shirt.

"Casual and I think this color would suit you."

Dev and Aarav hum in agreement. And I take the clothes, ready to change and look dashing. The three of them are looking at me with a smile; I raise my eyebrows, indicating for them to go out.

"What?" Dev asks.

"What, what?"

"Why are you looking at us like that?"

I roll my eyes, "Because I need to change so go out. Gosh, it's tiring being the only intellectual person in this room."

It takes me thirty minutes to get ready; getting out of that suit took most of the time, and after doing a little makeup, I finally leave. I feel so nervous, my stomach doing backflip after backflip. Driving to a cafe has never been this nerve-wracking, but again, I've never been there with someone that beautiful.

Oh my god, of my god, of my god, oh my-OH MY GOSHAHSIDHDHDU. Whoa, my brain just malfunctioned, but it's him, it's Ivaan. Oh, he looks so pretty. He's standing in front of the cafe, his eyes down on his phone, his hair in a loose ponytail, some strands falling on his face. How can he look so effortlessly pretty? And how is his outfit so cute? He is wearing brown cargo pants with an off-white shirt. Straight out of Pinterest, my man is pretty. I may have been staring too long because he notices me and waves. For a minute, I forgot how to wave back, and then my memories came back.

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