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Nikon's POV

Shit shit shit shit.

I called him babe! Gosh, why did I say that now he must be thinking that I'm weird or wait maybe he didn't hear me, well he was kind of not in the zone I feel sorry for him, and I hope he will be fine. Considering this it's not a big deal humans call each other babe, honey, sweetie and stuff so I shouldn't think that much about it, it's not that I like him I mean I just met him not like he is bad or anything that my point is that I should stop thinking.

I sat down on my bed and took a cigarette from a drawer and lit it, I put it on my lips for a while just feeling it then I took a long inhale trying to take as much as I can and let it enter my body, let it enter every part of me and then I exhale hoping that the smoke will take all the problems and worries with itself and make me feel calm and it did, halfway through it I felt bit sleepy and well it was late too so I flushed the cig and hopped in my bed.

I woke up to the sound of a bell ringing, I sat up and yawned so here's a thing after waking up it takes me at least an hour to know who I am and come back to normal. I was still sitting in my bed and staring out then I checked the time which showed 12:51, okay well it's late but never mind. I hoped that the bell would stop and it did but it started again. Shit, I have to open it now.

I first quickly washed my face and made my way downstairs, I went near the door and opened it, there was a guy who was leaving but as they heard the door open they turned around and something inside me felt wired.
Like my stomach was feeling weird.

"Nikum! I thought that you were dead, well by looking at you I think you probably were" Aarav said and came near the door, he has a box in his hand. He was wearing a Marvel hoodie with jeans shorts and his hair was neatly combed which made me want to ruffle hair and just make it messy, gosh he will look so adorable like that. Seeing him up this close feels so weird but in a good way, he is just adorable with his small nose and round face and his sexy lip- wait should not go there.

"I was-" I realised I had my morning voice which sounds deep and makes me feel that I have a cough I cleared my throat, "I was sleeping and yeah" I have no idea what I should talk about specially now when I'm thinking about that sloths do everything slowly so what about their sex?

"Oh did I wake you up?" I opened my mouth to answer but he continued himself, "well it's afternoon anyway so no biggie and my mom
told me-" I saw how when he talks he moves his hands around a lot, and I realised that he looks so t I n y, he will probably reach till my shoulder or maybe a little higher but as he is speaking he is looking so adorable and small like I want to protect him. He looks so small that I want to hug him and k-

"Nikum are you even listening to what I'm saying?" He asks with a little pout on his lips, pout. Tiny baby pout. Oh my gosh, why are you making me suffer?

"I- I uh I'm sorry I'm just like not in my senses right now you know as I just woke up"

"It's okay it's okay, so my mom made gulab jamun and she told me to give you these as you are our new neighbour and to make you feel welcome" he moves his hands forward and gestures for me to take the box but as I was not in my sense so I took the box in one hand and then hugged him. He fit right into my arms, gosh he is so tiny, surprisingly he hugged me back.

I realised a moment later what I was doing and pulled back slowly, he looked away and so did I. My cheeks turned red and again I felt something weird in my stomach. Maybe it's because I'm hungry.

"I am so sorry, I don't know why I did that-"

"No it's uh fi-fine it's cool I mean people hug no big deal right"


And we stood there for a minute full of awkward silence, I was thinking of what I should say to him and at the same time how I wanted to hug him again, just take him in my arms and be with him let his warmth take over me and make me fall in- no Nikum stop! You should not think about it and it's not gonna happen like bro you don't even know if he's into guys. In my heart, I wished that he was into guys.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah I'm going to Sarojini market there's this new bookshop and they are giving good books at a cheap price isn't this the best thing? If I could I would have brought their every book and then not leave my room until I finish then"

"I can feel you dude! All I want in my life is good books, oh you know I made a small library in here you wanna see?" But he said no as he has to leave in some time.

I have an idea I just hope it doesn't get ruined.

"So like would you mind if I come with you?"

I have no motivation left to write but somehow I wrote this and I hope that you like it.
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