Chapter 12

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As I bound down the stairs, I couldn't help the smile as I think of the night that I spent with my lover. Chris is truly a lover, he pays attention to every part of your body and makes you feel like you are the only person that matters.

A small leaves my lips as I walk into the living room, "Chris, you wore me out."

Instead of responding to me, Chris just stays sitting on the ground looking at the TV which is not even on.

"Did you hear me?" He doesn't respond and I furrow my brows in confusion.

Just an hour ago, he was rubbing my back and now he is acting as if I'm not here.

"Chris?" I take a step towards him as I grow slightly concerned. "You ok?"

He still doesn't utter a word and when I go to take another step, he lifts his hand up to switch the TV on.

He still doesn't utter a word and when I go to take another step, he lifts his hand up to switch the TV on

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"Watch this." His voice cracks as he continues to stare at the TV and I quickly make way over to the couch where I sit down behind him.

I place my hands on my lap as I watch the news or should I say gossip that is playing on E! News. 

"If you all remember Tamar Braxton starring in the 21st season of Dancing with the Stars then you will be surprised to learn that she was in a relationship with her dance partner, Val Chmerkovskiy." My eyes widen in complete surprise. "The pro dancer revealed that the pair were romantically linked and if our timelines align, then Tamar was secretly dating Chris Hemsworth at this time."

A muted video clip of Val and I having a backstage interview plays in the background

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A muted video clip of Val and I having a backstage interview plays in the background. 

"A source claims that Tamar actually left the show because the relationship did not work out and that her medical condition was a scam." I jump to my feet.

"What the fuck?" I was hospitalized on multiple occasions during my time on the show and the fact that somebody would call that a scam is disgusting. 

I almost lost my life.

"When asked about the alleged romance, Val told TMZ that he had no intentions of sparing any more details. Not long after, a video was leaked and it appears that the stars were sharing a kiss during their rehearsal." The female reporter cringes. "Somebody should check on Thor he m-"

Chris switches the TV off and we sit there in silence.

I clear my throat, "I hope you're not believing any of that."

"Look, I don't want to be that guy that believes everything that they say but those pictures and videos." Chris looks back at me. "Just tell me that it's not true."

"It's not true." I tell him as a small fear begins to set in. During the duration of our relationship, we have had no scandal up until now and I don't know how he is going to react.

"Then explain that kiss because I sure as hell did not see it on the fucking stage." He chucks the remote at the wall and I jump as it smashes into pieces. Chris stands up and I try to keep my cool because I don't know what the hell is going on.

Last night things were perfect between us but today, things are a mess.

I sigh deeply, "We did not kiss. From that angle it looks that way but that's how they trick the viewers, I would never cheat on you."

"Then why is he saying all of this shit?" Chris throws his arms up in the air and I stand to my feet.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. "During rehearsals, Val expressed that he had feelings for me and I did not return any of them. Even if we were not together, I would have never been with because he is known for hooking up with his dance partners. He is probably bitter that it didn't work with me."

"You never let me come see you at the hospital." I cannot believe this man right now. "Val came to see you, hell he even posted a picture on Instagram. Maybe what he is saying is true because you wouldn't even let your so called boyfriend see you."

"We're not doing this." I shake my head as I start walking away from him. 

"Well the stories are only going to get worse." Chris follows behind me. "May as well tell me now, save me the heartbreak."

"You're such an idiot." I snap as I turn back to face him. "You are such a fucking idiot."

"Yeah." He stops infront of me. "And why is that?"

"You know me." I hiss as I fight back tears. "Atleast I thought you knew me."

"Why didn't you let me see you at the hospital?"

"Because I didn't want you to see me like that." I snap as a tear rolls down my face. "I didn't want you to see me looking weak and broken."

"Ta-" I lift my hand up to stop him.

"At that point, you had only seen me at my best. You had never seen me cry or heard me talk about all the things going wrong in my life, you saw none of that." More tears fall from my eyes and I furiously try to wipe them away. "Why would I want you to see me like that? I was on the brink of death and I may be stupid but I did not want you to remember me like that if I did die."

Chris and I never experienced a scandal when together and to see the way he reacted to this has me rethinking our entire relationship. I have exposed myself to that man in ways that I never would have and he just stabbed in the chest.

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