Chapter 2

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"Hey baby." I say as soon as the facetime call connect. "Ooooh you look super pretty."

"Thanks babe." Jelena blows me a kiss and I screenshot the moment because she is so hot.

" Jelena blows me a kiss and I screenshot the moment because she is so hot

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"How are you?" I ask as I bring my phone closer to my face. "How are you dealing with whole Michael situation?"

Jelena recently broke up with Michael. I was honestly shocked because I have never seen her go back to somebody that she previously dated and I know that she loved Michael. What shocked me even more was when she told me that she couldn't have kids.

"I've just been keeping myself busy." She lifts her sunglasses so that it's resting on her head. "Micheal keeps calling me and sometimes I pick up but it's hard."

"Have you told him?"

"That I can't have kids? Fuck no." She looks away from the camera. "I haven't really processed the news myself so I'll do it when the time is right. Anyways, how are you?"

"I'm good." I hear the shower stop running. "Don't be mad."

"What?" Jelena raises a brow at me.

"I have a boyfriend." I drop the bomb and she clears her throat.

"I know." She purses her lips at me and I tilt my head to the side. "Yes bitch, I know you have a man."

"How you know?"

"Everytime we meet, you are always glowing and I've seen a couple of messages pop up on your phone." Jelena smiles at me

Instead of answering her, I click out of our facetime call and I head to my whatsapp message. I go onto her name and I send her a picture of me and my boo thang.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" She screams on the phone as I go back onto the call. "TAMAR! Congratulations, you did good baby girl."

I laugh at her words.

"Thank you." We speak for a couple more minutes before hanging up as Chris steps out of the shower. 

Chris already did the radio show but he came back to shower because it apparently started raining and he felt dirty. While he was gone, I spent my time fixing up my wig because Chris done fucked it up with all the pulling that he did last night.

He fucked me so hard that my wig came off, I would say that it was embarrassing but it has happened many times before. Since my hair is pretty short underneath my wig, he knows to grab onto that tiny ponytail.

I'm kidding.

"What time do you have to be at the show?" I ask him and he responds with nine o'clock which is perfect since it is only twelve.

I don't normally attend his interviews but I'm going to try sneak my way there because I know that the Graham Norton show is a good time. I'm actually waiting for my invite.

I pull out a different wig from my suitcase and I get to work on securing it. Sometimes I can get away with just putting the wig on and not doing much else but the weather outside is an atrocity.

"An atrocity." I comment aloud as soon as we step outside. "What type of weather is this?"

"Welcome to England." Chris gestures around before putting his arm over my shoulder.

I keep my head low as we walk around Knightsbridge which is a very boujee area

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I keep my head low as we walk around Knightsbridge which is a very boujee area. There aren't too many people out but I think that's because they are either at work or at school. They wouldn't be here anyways because this place is filled with designer stores and it's somewhat overwhelming.

It's like being on Rodeo Drive but worse because nothing looks affordable or cheap.

"So are you going to be lending me your credit card?" I ask Chris as I snuggle into his chest and I can feel the vibrations coming from it as he chuckles. "Or am I paying?"

"I always tell you, Tamar." He pulls me closer, "Whenever I'm around, you never have to worry about the bill."

We spend the next few hours shopping around Knightsbridge and thankfully the stores are pretty empty.  Chris being the nice guy that he is, ends up purchasing a few handbags for me which made me happy because he didn't have to do that.


"Oh shit." I curse as I spot a group of paparazzi photographing the guests for tonight's show.

" I curse as I spot a group of paparazzi photographing the guests for tonight's show

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"Ugh." Chris groans as he pulls us away from the public eye. "I wish that I could just be seen out with you. I hate the way we have to act as if we don't know eachother, you are my woman and I want the world to know that."

"I know." I peck his lips and he sighs as he rubs my arms. "We'll go public soon."

"How soon?" He brushes my hair and I smile up at him.

"Very soon." My smile soon turns fake as I realise that I have to let him go. "Go ahead and I'll see you after the show."

Chris gives me a passionate kiss before kissing my head and walking ahead. I end up calling the studio so that they can send someone to fetch me while Chris has everyone distracted. 

"Our third guest of the day flew in from Australia, it's Chris Hemsworth." The whole room erupts in cheers as Chris walks out onto the stage joining Patrick Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence.

They start talking about Chris' latest movie and his upcoming movie since my man stays booked. The interview is pretty funny and is going amazingly well until Graham brings up the topic of love lives. 

"Now Chris, you are single." Graham states which makes all the girls scream and Chris awkwardly chuckles.

"Um, let's just say it's complicated." Everyone's face changes at his words and Graham leans forward like a teenage girl.

"Tell me more."

"I have been seeing a very special someone for some months now and I've been wanting to share the news for some time now but it just hasn't been the right time." A smile grows on his face and I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Is it love?" Graham asks and Chris just bites his bottom lips which obviously makes the girls go crazy.

"Aweee, Chris is in love." Jennifer leans over to shake Chris who is blushing.

"I am." He raises his hands in surrender. "I'm in love."

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