Chapter 4

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Teyana Taylor and I have not spoken to eachother since our Las Vegas trip which was like four months ago. I just found that we just clash too much and it affects our relationship with the other girls. I never want to make my friends choose between us but it has happened far too much.

Teyana should be about six or seven months pregnant and I know that she must be feeling alone so I flew her up to LA so that we can hash things out. I want us to be able to move forward and celebrate this new life that she is carrying before our relationship is destroyed for good.

 I want us to be able to move forward and celebrate this new life that she is carrying before our relationship is destroyed for good

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"I don't want to fight you anymore." I tell Teyana. "We are supposed to be friends and we are mean to support eachother. We are so much alike so I don't know why we can never get along."

"It's because we clash too much." Teyana clicks her tongue. "Our strong personalities don't allow us to work well together."

I have been talking to Chris a lot about my relationship with my friends and families and he has made me realise a lot.

"I think the real issue is that we are known as the ghetto, ratchet or loud one." I clear my throat. "This might sound crazy so bare with me. In life there is always that token black person card and since we are group of black females with other races, we are fighting to be the top. Jada is classy and boujee so where does that leave us."

"Ratchet." Teyana scoffs and I nod my head.

"We are one in the same and since we are fighting for the same role, we are struggling to get along. Instead of building eachother up, we are tearing eachother down." I pause for a moment to gather my thoughts because this is the real shit. "If I have ever made you feel like shit then I want you to know that I am sorry and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

"I'm sorry too." Teyana grabs my hand and I squeeze it. "I don't want to fight you but sometimes it feels as if that's the only way that I can be heard. All of you stay booked and busy all year round. I release an album, tour for a while then I don't have much to do until I start a new project and sometimes I feel as if I'm not equipped to be within the friendship group."

"Don't say that." I shake my head. "It does not matter if you are working or not, that's not why we are friends with you. We love you for you which is why you don't need to be so defensive. You have Jelena, who you love to hate. Jelena stays putting us on when she doesn't have to. Even though you guys are fighting, she is still including your images in her magazine so that people are up to date with your latest groups."

"I know." Teyana sighs. "I owe her an apology."

"Why don't you like her?" I look Teyena in the eyes. "It can't be because she dates black men."

"It's because people love her. You are a black woman, you know the struggle that we go through to get recognised or even noticed. Jelena posts a picture of her shoes and she gets millions of likes, we have to show off our assets to get attention." Teyana shakes her head. "I'm just jealous."

"But you have to remember that Jelena has been working since she was a teenager, she didn't grow up with a family like we did." I remind Teyana. "She was an orphan and she has chosen us as her family but how does it look when we are talking shit about her. Just cut her some slack."


"This house is stunning." I tell Jada after we have embraced. "I'm about to get my shit and move right in. How many guest bedrooms do you have?"

"6." Jada answers with an amused look on her face. 

"Honey, I'm home." I wink at her.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Jada wiggles her brows at me.

"Bringing in all the gifts." I click my tongue at her. "Hey, I know that you may not want to hear this but I want to tell you that you look beautiful."

Jada pulls me in for another hug.

"Thank you Tamar." Her eyes twinkle and I look at her for a moment. "I'm so happy right now. It is exhausting trying to manoeuvre my life with the twins but I'm so grateful to have them in my life, I finally feel complete."

"That's good." I smile as I rub her arm. "Now let me go meet my niece and nephew since you didn't make me Godmother, you're lucky that I even got your ass something."

I kiss my teeth as I brush past her and Jada lets out a small laugh.

I make my way into her living room which is absolutely gorgeous, I spot the twins laying in a crib and I make a beeline to them.

"I'm not crying." I mutter as I wipe away my tears. "Jada, the pictures didn't do them justice."

I just stand there staring at the mini Jada and Jason who are cuddled up together, staring up at me. 

"Hi, I'm your auntie Tamar." My voice cracks and I clear it as Jada rubs my back. "I'm going to let you know that I will always be there for you and I will be here to check the people who try to come for you."

Chris walks into the living room with Jason who is helping him carry in the gifts.

"Wow, what did you guys get?" Jada asks as she looks down at the gifts that they have set down

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"Wow, what did you guys get?" Jada asks as she looks down at the gifts that they have set down. "Jelena still has you guys beat but you came a close second, thank you."

"I would have got you more but I remembered that I'm not the Godmother to either kids." I give her the side eye before laughing. 

"Tamar went crazy while we was shopping for gifts and she almost bought the whole store." Chris responds to Jada's initial question. "By the way, I'm Chris Hemsworth."

"Jada Momoa." Jada shakes his hand before looking back at me with a look of approval.

"Did you guys want to hold the rugrats?" Jason asks as he makes his way over to the twins.

"Hell yeah, I have been waiting for this moment." I blink back tears as Jada picks up her daughter while Jason picks up their son.

Jason hands me his son and Jada hands Chris their daughter. I almost cry as they tell me their children's names and the meanings behind it.

"I'm so happy for you both." I sniffle. "This is why I have always admired you both."

"Tamar, you're so sweet." Jason pats my shoulder.

"This is love." I tell them and Chris smiles over at me. "This is love and I'm so glad that I finally have someone to experience that with."

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