Chapter 16

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TamarBraxton: Throwback to this look

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TamarBraxton: Throwback to this look

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As I sit down in Jelena's TV room, I can't help but feel at peace as I look out at the reservoir. Jelena definitely knew what she was doing when she chose this home and it's somewhat sad thinking about it because I was supposed to be house-hunting with the love of my life.

 Jelena definitely knew what she was doing when she chose this home and it's somewhat sad thinking about it because I was supposed to be house-hunting with the love of my life

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"Here's your coffee." Jelena hands me a large mug and I thank her before taking a small sip of my coffee.

"This is perfect." I smile up at her, "Thank you."

"It's fine." She waves me off as she sits down on the opposite sofa, "Now tell me why your eyes are so sad."

My smile falters.

"I saw everything on the news but I wanted to personally ask if things were ok between you and Chris." Jelena takes a long sip of her coffee. "So..."

"Things are not going well between us." I set my mug down on the table. "He wants to take a break."

Jelena's eyes widen in surprise, "Why?"

"Chris recently told me that he wants to move back to Australia and when he first told me, it was definite that he would going soon

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"Chris recently told me that he wants to move back to Australia and when he first told me, it was definite that he would going soon." I scrunch my face up as I feel the tears beginning to surface, "Now he has asked me to go with him but I don't want to."

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