Chapter 1

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TamarBraxton: Tamar Braxton

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TamarBraxton: Tamar Braxton.

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I smile as I watch the man that I love walk out of the airport. I wish I could jump out of the car and run into his arms but unfortunately, he has eyes on him. From the second he arrived at the airport, the whole place was buzzing from the idea of locking eyes with Thor.

The paparazzi had been messing with their cameras as they waited while the fangirls were adjusting their outfits, putting their best features forward. They were trying to make themselves look presentable not knowing that he is taken. 

To the world, Chris Hemsworth is a single man.

To his family and friends, Chris Hemsworth is in a very loving relationship with his girlfriend of seven months. 

Meeting Chris was definitely an experience that I will never forget and I honestly thought that he would never go for someone like me. He really surprised me when he asked me out and the times that we spend together are heaven.

When we are together, I don't feel like the diva or the loudmouth. I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world with the most handsome man at her side.

I peer out of the tinted windows and I smile as I watch the man I love sign autographs for the fans. I wrap my fur coat around myself tighter as the driver cracks the window, the cold English air keeps on seeping through.

Coming to England is fine but I would rather be here during the summertime when there is actually a chance of sun. During the autumn/winter times, it is excruciatingly cold here and I often try to avoid the UK as whole from September to May.

"You can beep the horn." I tell the driver as I go onto my phone. "He's had his time."

It is cold as hell and I just want to get to our hotel room but Chris is just taking his sweet ole time.

"Beep the horn." The driver does as instructed as I go onto my camera to record a video for him.

" The driver does as instructed as I go onto my camera to record a video for him

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"Get in the goddamn car." I end the video before sending it to him.

I look through the window to see him pull out his phone and I watch a smile graces his face. Satisfied with my work, I sit back in my seat as I hear the fangirls scream after him.

I wish I could just show my face and let them know that he is taken but we haven't revealed that news to the world just yet.

I cover my face with my fur coat as Chris enters the car with the paparazzi not too far behind him, "Just shut the door."

"Sorry." Chris apologises as he shuts the door. The driver soon takes off after the security guard gets in the passenger seat and only then do I pull down my fur coat.

"Hey." I smile at my life partner and he smiles back at me.

"Hey." He leans forward to give me passionate kiss which makes me smile as I caress his face. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." We spend the next hour candidly catching up as our driver takes us to our hotel. We didn't want to say too much infront of the driver so we tried to keep our conversation pretty vague.

Once we arrived at the hotel, I was happy to see that the roads were empty so we could walk together. We have previously been used this hotel

"Ugh it's so cold in London." I whine as I wrap my fur coat tighter around myself.

"You're so beautiful." Chris comments after just staring at me for a moment and I feel my cheeks heating up. Chris just has that effect on me.

It takes us about twenty minutes to get ourselves checked in and have all of our luggages in the room

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It takes us about twenty minutes to get ourselves checked in and have all of our luggages in the room.

"Do you have any interviews tomorrow?" I ask Chris after I turn the heater on. 

"I'm going to be on BBC Radio 1 so you can sleep in then in the evening, I will be on the Graham Norton show." He tells me as he starts removing his outerwear. "But I don't have anything planned today."

He opens up his suitcase so I take off my fur coat while walking into the living room where I lay my coat down on one of the chairs. I walk back into the room and I take off my top and trousers, leaving me in a very sexy black number. 

It's a twelve hour flight to the UK so twenty minutes before we landed, I change into black lace bra and matching thong. I didn't want to feel expired when I arrived, all I knew is that I wanted to get it on with my man.

"Alright." I catch his attention as I get on the bed, into doggy position. "Let's get this poppin'." 

Chris chuckles and I purse my lips at him.

"Can't I shower?" He gestures to the bathroom and I shake my head.

"We about to do this now." I slap my butt hard enough to make me want to myself because it hurt and not in a good way.

"Can I atleast wash my hands?" I sit up from the positions and I cross my arms, bringing together the girls.

"Chris Hemsworth, you get on this bed." I narrow my eyes at him and he gulps.

"Yes ma'am."

Chris ain't slick, he came out of the airport freshly showered. I know because he took a private jet to the UK while I took a goddamn plane with 90 other people on it.

"Condoms?" He asks and I shake my head.


"Alright then." He walks over to the bed and forces me back into the position. I'm practically dripping as I think of what he is about to do to me. 

Chris Hemsworth is a gentleman in the streets but in these sheets, he knows how to tear that pussy up.

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