Chapter 7: Dream

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Hinata's POV

Sasuke-kun and the team stayed in an inn at a town at Kirigakure. We travelled all the way here just to find information according to Sasuke-kun. His brother might be here.

Karin and I stayed at the same room and the boys are at the other room.

I close my eyes and went to sleep. Karin is already asleep before me.

"Ahhhhh!Help me!" Ha...ha...ha... I catch my breath after I fall from a cliff. I am laying on the ground. Red...what is this red stuff that I see from my eyes running from my head?

"Blood?" I'm bleeding! Someone help me!

"Hinata!" Someone called my name. I look up on where I fall down

"W....whose t...t..there!" I yelled but I'm in pain that I can't speak clearly

"Hinata! Wait for me I'm coming to save you!" He yelled and run towards me. He's running down the mountain and I can see him now.

He looks familiar. His image became blured. He's calling my name. I feel likeI'm going to pass out. I know that guy.

"Na..." Na? Am I going to tell his name?

"Sasuke! Let go of her!" That man said, he's so close to me but why can't I see him clearly. And Sasuke? Who is Sasuke?

I look up. I didn't noticed that someone is carrying me. Who is this guy? His image is blured too....ah wait it'sbecoming clear. Sasuke? Yes I remember now. It's Sasuke-kun!

"Give me back Hinata?" The man said, back? Why did he wants me back?

"She's with me now and you can't do anyrhing about it now." Sasuke-kun said turning away from that man. I try to speak.

"Ru...." Ru? What is it this time? I don't know anymore what I want to say.

"Hinata! Don't worry I'm going to save you!" He said running towards us but it's like he's not moving. He is so far from us now.

"To....." To? I tried to connect those words I said earlier.

"Na....Ru.....To? Naruto? Is that his name? That man who is chasing us? I really did know him, but why can't I see his face.

"Hinata...Don't leave me." Sasuke said hugging me...huh...where am I? Sasuke and I are at some place where there are many sunflowers around us.

I touch my head and it's not bleeding anymore. I heard Sasuke is crying on my shoulder.

" Sasuke-kun? Why are you crying?" I push him back gently to see his face

"I don't want you to leave me. Please stay, I'm sorry I lied." He said and tears falling on his eyes. Lied? He lied to me? I dont understand but why am I feeling angry. I begun crying also, until the darkness eat me separating from Sasuke.

"Hinata!" He called "Hinata!!!!"

"Hinata! Hinata! What's wrong? Wake up! Hinata!"

"Huh? Karin?" I said opening my eyes.

"Are you okay? You're dreaming, it's like you're seeing a nightmare." Karin said and wipe my forehead. I'm sweating and I feel really hot.

"I-I can't remember." I said as I rub my head

"Stay here I'm going to get you a glass of water." She left the room. What am I dreaming? I can't remember. Karin said it might be a nightmare. head hurts...wait I think I'm remembering something. I am with 3 ninja's and a dog. I feel from a cliff and lose contiousness. I didn't know if that is really a fragment of my memory or the dream I just had.

"Hinata here drink this." said Karin who came back with a glass of water

"Thank you," I said and drink that glass of water

"Are you sure you're okay, because we are going to leave a now. I just woke up the guys." yeah we are going to leave today to search for more information. It's already morning the sun is up.

"Sasuke-kun, you told me right that before I lost my memories I fell down from the mountain?" I asked, we are now on our way to the next village.

"Yeah why do you asked?"

"I didn't know if it's from my dream or a fragment of my memory but I was on the mountain with 3 other guys and a huge dog and I fell off the cliff. I can't remember it clearly nor I remember the dream I had last night." I explained and Sasuke looked at me with a serious face

"That was a dream. You are picking some fruits at the mountain and I don't know how did you fall down." He said 

I want some concrete answer. It's not like I don't believe Sasuke but that dream that I can't remember is just bothering me.

"Don't worry HInata, you'll find your memories." Karin said holding my hand

"And you can create a new memory with us." Suigetsu said with his hands on the back of his head

"Thank you Karin, Suigetsu."


Sakura's POV

I'm really worried about Naruto. He didn't left his house since that day he hears about Hinata. I am here in front of his house with Sai, hoping to see him alright.

"Naruto? Are you there?" I knocked

"Sai and I are here can you let us in?"

"Go away Sakura-chan! I want to be alone!" He yelled and Sai kicked his door and it broke. "What are you doing Sai?!" I aked a little mad at Sai's actions. He came inside and went to Naruto and grab his shirt. Naruto is laying on his bed sulking.

"Sai! Let go of me!" Naruto said holding Sai's arm

"I know everything. Sakura-san told me everything. What's the use of locking yourself here and sulking huh?! Will you find her if you keep on crying like a child that lost her mom on the market?" Sai yelled at Naruto and he just turn his head away

"Why do you even care?" Naruto said

"Because I'm one of your friends, I'm part of your team and I'm a Konoha shinobi. Even though I didn't know anything much about Hinata, she is also my friend, all of you became my friend since you've freed me from darkness. We all feel the same way, it's not just you who is sad about the disappearance of Hinata. We came here to report to you that we are going to start the mission." Sai let go of Naruto

"Mission?" he said

"Yeah Tsunade-sama approve your request to come but Sai is going also. That consist of us, Kakashi-sensei and Shikamaru. We are the only one's that know about this information about her. And our mission is to find clues about Hinata's whereabouts. Do you understand Naruto?" I explained and Naruto nodded.

"I understand. I'm just going to fix my things."

"Okay let's meet at the gate at 11:00 don't be late." I said and walks towards the door-

"WAIT! Before you leave, Sai you bastard fix my door!" Ah hahaha the door yeah Naruto's house didn't have a door anymore. I saw Sai faked smiled and run outside leaving me

"Hey Sai wait for me!" I said and also run catching up to Sai


To be continued...

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