Chapter 10: Akatsuki

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Sasuke's POV

We've completely lost Kakashi and Naruto, but we are now dealing with Akatsuki right now: Deidara and Sasori.

"Sasori, my man. I think we just hit a jackpot. hn." Deidara said

The others stand on their guard. "You know this isn't the time for that." Sasori said "Pein is waiting for us. Let's go."

"Eh? Are we just going to let them go?" Deidara said "Oh isn't that a Hyuuga you got on your back. She's cute, hn." I put my arm in front of Hinata from my back guarding her from Deidara, we didn't know what he will gonna do.

"Oh, young lady what do you think of art? hn." When did he go to Hinata?

"Uh um"

"Stand back." I said and I unleash my sword on his neck

"Whoah woah nii-chan easy I'm just asking her. hn."

"Deidara, let's go now or I'll kill you. Don't make me wait."

"Hai, hai my man."They said and walk away

"Wait, we would like to join you!" Karin yelled what is she talking about

"Eh?" Suigetsu and Jugo are also surprised

"We want to join the Akatsuki."

"Sure, follow us."

"Eh?! Hey Karin are you out of your mind?! And that's it you are accepting it right away?!" Suigetsu said

"Karin what is this all about." I said, she walks towards me

"It's our chance to get closer to Itachi." She whispered

"Okay, lets go."


"What's your purpose on joining the Akatsuki?" Pein asked. He is the leader of the Akatsuki.

Sasori and Deidara take us into their hideout.

"We just want to cooperate with you. I want to kill Itachi and in exchange of information on him we are going to help you out in your organization." I said

"whooooh, what a crazy bastard trying to kill his brother. hn" Deidara said and i glare at him

"That was an absurd reasoning but I'll let your group join us." Pein said and dismiss everyone they gave us their Akatsuki robe.

This thing doesn't suit me at all but never mind this is not what I am here for.

We spend the night in their base. And we are going to go to the Kumogakure to find the Hachibi.


Hinata's POV

"Hinata!" someone called me but I can't see him

"Hinata! Come back!" he called again

"Hinata!!!" I wake up from that call

"Huh, Suigetsu-kun?" I said and rub my eye. Am I dreaming? Who is that guy calling for me?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Suigetsu-kun asked and I noticed that I am staring at him

"Ah! S-Sorry."

"What a weird girl. Get ready and we are heading out." he said and exited the room. It looks like Karin is already up because she's not here anymore.

I get ready and went to the kitchen. Everyone is there eating their breakfast but Sasuke-kun is not here.

"Why are you all wearing the same robes?" I asked

"This is the Akatsuki robe and you are going to wear one also." Sasori said

"Here Hinata-chan!" Deidara-kun gave me the same robe as them "Wear it. It fits you perfectly." He said and smile at me.

"Thank you." I said and grab the robe and wear it.

"See?" Deidara-kun said

"Is everyone ready?" Sasuke-kun enter the kitchen and he's also wearing the same robe

"Sasuke! Where have you been come and eat first." Karin said inviting Sasuke-kun in

"No thanks. Let's go where heading out.." he said and they all went to follow him

"Hinata, bring this. I know you haven't eaten yet." Deidara-kun said and gave me a basket of breads

"Thank you Deidara-kun." I said and bow my head and follow the others


After a long walk to the village we've encounter now the Hachibi. He grew as the tailed beast. We keep on attacking him, but he's strong.

"Sasuke-kun! Aim for his weak spot. Aim for his eyes." I said and he charges to the Hachibi with his sword

"Hinata watch out!" Karin yelled and before I notice it, I am flying and hurt. I was send flying by a tentacle of the Hachibi that strikes me.

I saw Sasuke running towards me before I pass out.

"Hinata! Hinata! Wake up Hinata!" Sasuke said and I'm completely unconscious.


To be continued...

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