Chapter 12: Memories

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Hinata's POV

I opened my eyes and my head hurts. I touch it and I have a bandage on it. I remember how I fly while fighting the Hachibi. I can't move my body and my eyes are blurred.

I tried to move my head and I saw a figure of someone approaching me.

"Hinata! Hinata you're awake! Sasuke! Suigetsu! Jugo! Hinata's awake! Good thing Hinata! Are you alright?" it's a girl's voice with a red hair but my sight is still blurry.

"Karin? Is that you? I can't see well, my eye sight are blurred." I said slowly because I still can't speak well

"What?! Here bite my arm." she said and I just do as she instructed. Suddenly some of my energy are returning back and my eyes are becoming clearer also.

"Thank you Karin."

"You're welcome. Are you alright? Don't make me worry again like that." She said and hug me

"I'm sorry Karin for being careless."

"Hinata-chan~! Thank God you're fine." Suigetsu came running towards me while crying but Karin kicked him in the face

"Don't touch Hinata first."

"Are you alright Hinata?" Jugo-san asked

"Yeah thank you and sorry, I let my guard down." I noticed that Sasuke-kun is approaching me

"I'm sorry." I was startled on what he did next. He hugged me an d apologize

"I'm sorry that you have to be in this situation."

"Sasuke-kun—-" What is this? I touch my head because some memories are flowing from my head when I spoke on his name.

I don't know if this are really memories or just from my dream but I know that Sasuke is my batch mate from the academy and we are from Konoha.

I am following a blond boy and sparing with my cousin. Neji? Ah Neji-nii-san!

I stand in front of the same blond guy as he is pinned down the ground and I am fighting Pein. What is this? So the Akatsuki is an enemy?

The village is destroyed and this blond guy became the hero of the village.

I have comrades Kiba, Shino, Akamaru and Kurenai-sensei.

I comfort this same guy when he was turned down by Sakura-san the girl he likes.

My team went to a mission and I lose to a ninja and fell down from the mountain.

I tried to shout his name but my voice won't come out.

I've seen him before and Sasuke-kun said that I shouldn't talk to him.

That blond guy I am talking about is no other than Naruto-kun, the guy I like, the guy I look up to, and my inspiration.

I remember everything now. My memories are back.

"Hinata? Are you okay? Does your head hurts?" Sasuke-kun asked and I am sweating cold. I look at him and pushed him.

"Hinata!" Karin said and I look at her. I tried to get up and thanks to her I was able to walk. I exited the room I am at and just went outside this base. This is the base of the Akatsuki.

'What am I going to do? I joined Sasuke-kun and the Akatsuki when my memories are gone.'

I can't tell them that I regain my memories, they might kill me.

They followed me. "Hinata! What happened?" Karin asked

"Hey why are you crying?" Suigetsu said and I touch my face. I didn't noticed that tears are falling from my eyes

"Uh, I'm sorry this is nothing. I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm sorry for pushing you Sasuke-kun." I said and smile at him.

"It's okay." he said and turn his back

I need to play the act until I get out of this situation. I hope that Naruto-kun is still looking for me. So that's why Sasuke-kun told me not to approach him.


Naruto's POV

We are still days far from the village of Kumogakure. Wait for me Hinata. I'm going to bring you back this time. I promise.

"So Sakura it's your team that was sent out by Tsunade-sama to look for Hinta?" Neji jump towards Sakura. We are jumping from the branch of the trees and Sakura-chan is beside me

"Yeah, with Shikamaru and Naruto and Sai." Sakura-chan said

"Did you see Hinata-sama? Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's alright. And Neji I promise you that I will get her back at any cost. I won't let them get away this time." I said

"Why didn't Tsunade-sama informed me about this? I should have helped you guys." he said

"It's because we are not sure yet if she's alive or not. We don't want any of her family members to hope with our unproven information." Sakura-chan said

"Let's just give it our best to find and get back Hinata." Shikamaru said behind us

"Yeah! We are here to you know." Ino said

"Don't forget about us Neji." Lee and TenTen said

"Yosh minna let's give it our best!" I yelled


"We are still days far on Kumogakure and we still need to ride a ship to go there so lets hurry!" Kakashi-sensei said


To be continued...

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