Chapter 5: Hinata's Death

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Sasuke and his team packed their things. Sasuke take some clothes out of his bag. He walks towards Hinata. Karin is helping her to stand.

"Hinata, take off your jacket." Sasuke said emotionless

" Eh huh?! What are you saying Sasuke?!" Karin said shaking while adjusting her glasses. She must be surprise on what Sasuke stated

"Just do it and put this on." He handed his clothes to Hinata. It's just his usual top for Hinata to use

"O-okay but why?" Hinata said as she take the clothes

"No more questions." He said and headed out of the base

Suigetsu and Jugo followed Sasuke and Karin followed them.

"Hinata I'm just going to ask what's going on. Change your clothes quickly, I'll be back." Karin said


"Sasuke where are you going?"

"Hey don't leave Hinata-chan behind." Suigetsu said


"Just going to get some corpse from the ninja on the mountain that ambush them."

"What for?" Jugo asked

"I know Konoha. They will send some reinforcements to find Hinata. We are going to take her so we need some decoy to replace her. Kiba just trace my scent when I approach them. And it wouldn't be suspicious that they can't find her body."

"What's the jacket for?" Suigetsu asked

"Your such an idiot you know? Sasuke is going to transform a corpse into Hinata and put the jacket on it for her scent. They have a dog remember?" Karin explained a little irritated with Suigetsu "I'm going back to Hinata."

"Karin go ahead with her first by the river side and when I whistle take her jacket to me." Sasuke said and they go the opposite ways.

Karin return back to where Hinata is. She already change her clothes and give her jacket to Karin.

"Hinata let's go "

"Where are we going Karin-san?"

"By the river. We are going to meet the guys there."

They went to the river and Sasuke gives the signal. Karin feel where Sasuke's chakra is and went her way.

"I'll be back."

"Here Sasuke." Karin handed out Hinata's jacket. Sasuke take it and put it on Hinata's transformation. They've found a kunoichi at the mountain and Sasuke transformed her into Hinata.

"The justu will not break unless I release it or I will be killed. Her its done put her beside the river. Make sure her lower body was on the river." Jugo and Suigetsu followed Sasuke's orders and take the fake Hinata.


Naruto arrived with his team. They meet Kiba, Akamaru, Shino and Captain Tatsuma. Naruto was on panic. The time his foot landed on ground he take Kiba's collar and lift it. He cornered him.

"Kiba! What are you doing? Why did this thing happened?!"

"Hey Naruto calm down. We can't bring her back with that attitude of yours." Kakashi said as he tap the angry ninja's shoulder

Naruto let go of Kiba's shirt. "I'm sorry." The team explained everything that happened

"Naruto, use your Kagebunshin and start finding Hinata."

"Sakura look by the river."

"I will summon the ninja dogs to find her." Kakashi ordered his team

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