Chapter 11: Rescue Team

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Sakura's POV

"Naruto! Wake up! Naruto! Wake up I said!" I'm here in Naruto's apartment because I have something important to tell him. But I keep on waking him up but he didn't even bulge to move.

"I guess I don't have a choice."

"Shannnnaroooo!!!!!" I yelled and punch him in the stomach.His bed broke and he's finally awaken.


"Are you awake?" I asked

"Sakura-chan? What's the big deal?" He asked

"Get ready and we are being summoned by Tsunade-sama." I said

"Huh? Why?"

"Just get ready already, I think it's about Hinata." I said and he suddenly get up and went to his bathroom.

"I'll be ready in 10 minutes." he said

We returned back in Konaha because we lost the trace of Sasuke-kun and Hinata. Kakashi-sensei said that it's better if we report first to Tsunade-sama. But that doesn't mean that we are abandoning the mission. We still have hope that we can get back Hinata with Sasuke-kun this time.

While Naruto is in the bathroom, I clean up the mess I did and I'm just going to ask a favor on Captain Yamato to fix his bed. Ten minutes have passed and Naruto is finally ready and we head to the mansion of Tsunade-sama.

When we came in everyone is there already. Shikamaru and his team, Kiba's team, Neji's team, Sai and Kakashi-sensei with Captain Yamato.

"I'm sorry we are late Tsunade-sama." I apologize to Tsunade-sama

"It's alright Sakura, I know your problem why you are late." she said and looked at Naruto

"Since everyone is here now I will tell your mission. This team is what we will call the Rescue Team. Kakashi you are the leader of the group and Yamato will assists you. Everyone listen up this isn't some kind of ordinary mission. I will send you to the Kumogakure and you are going to start your mission there." Tsunade-sama explained but Kumogakure? It's far from here isn't it?

"so it's a rescue mission." Lee said

"Yeah and the person you are going to rescue is...Hinata Hyuuga!" Tsunade-sama exclaimed and I can see the look on their faces that they are surprised on hearing Hinata's name.

"Hinata-sama? But she's dead!" Neji said

"She's not dead. We have confirmed that she is still alive by the secret mission I sent to Kakashi's team. I know that this is surprising but the Hinata we buried is a fake. They only used some kind of strong transformation jutsu on that girl. Hinata is alive and I need you all to go to Kumogakure and rescue her." Tsunade -sama said

"Tsunade-sama I have a question, How come Hinata is in Kumogakure?" I said

"I just receive a letter from the Kazekage about the Akatsuki's status. That's why I summoned you all here."

"Gaara." Naruto said

"Akatsuki?" Kakashi-sensei asked

"He said that they receive an information about the Akatsuki on Kumogakure. They are after the Hachibi. And the worst part is the members of the Akatsuki that is after the Hachibi is Sasuke's group with Hinata!"

"Eh?!" we all said in unison. I am surprised that they joined the Akatsuki in such a short period of time

"Hinata joined the Akatsuki?" Naruto exclaimed

"Yeah. But they didn't catch the Hachibi because one of them gets injured seriously. The Kazekage didn't know who gets injured but let's just hope that it's not Hinata."

"Wait, wait, wait Tsunade-sama. I'm getting confused here." Kiba said "Hinata is alive and she's with Sasuke and then they both joined the Akatsuki?! What's happening here?!"

"We still don't know why'd she join Sasuke and the Akatsuki. That's all the information we got. That's why I am sending you all now to retrieve Hinata back from the Akatsuki."

"That Sasuke! So I did smell him that day." Kiba said closing his fist hard


We are all dismissed after telling the mission. While walking with Naruto to the front gate of Konoha I noticed that he's silent until now.


"Sasuke. Hinata. Sakura-chan, do they have a connection with each other?"

"eh? Why do you asked? I don't know if they have some kind of relationship."

"But why would she join Sasuke, it's not like they are close with each other right?" he said

"I want to know the answer too." I said


Everyone gathered in front of the gate and Kakashi-sensei started go give some instructions and orders.

"Listen up everyone. I want this mission to be successful on getting Hinata back, since they got an injured comrade. If Sasuke tries to resist on handing Hinata back when we encountered him fight back and get Hinata back at any cost. Do you understand?!"


"Then let's head out!!!"


To be continued...

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