Chapter 9: She's alive

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Naruto's POV

"Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan! She's waking up. Thank goodness." We saw Sakura-chan laying here at the rooftop unconscious Sasuke did something to her.

"Naruto?" She gets up and looks around "Where is Sasuke-kun?" I turn away my gaze at her

"He's gone with Hinata."

"Get a grip the two of you. We still haven't failed this mission now that we know that the real Hinata is alive and we confirmed that Sasuke have her." Kakashi-sensei said

"Yeah and don't worry Sai and Shikamaru are following them in the shadows. Get up and we are going to follow them."

"Yeah you're right Kakashi-sensei. Let's go Sakura-chan." she nodded and take my hand to get up and we started running following the trace that Sai left for us to follow.

Tsunade's POV

We just receive a message from Kakashi about their mission. The decoding just finished and Shizune just handed the scroll of decoded message to me.

Tsunade-sama, we just confirmed that Hinata Hyuuga is alive and Sasuke Uchiha held her captive. We don't know the reason but all our theories are true. We are currently tracing their whereabouts because they escaped from us earlier. I humbly apologize for that.

"They found Hinata."

"Eh? So she really is alive?" Shizune said

"Don't tell the Hyuuga anything about this yet. Let's just wait for them to return her back. If the Hyuuga knows about this they might kill Sasuke." I said to her with a serious face


"Yeah, he has Hinata with him."


"Shut it down Shizune!"

"I'm sorry; it's just surprising that Sasuke is with her."

"I can't also believe these things. Let's just hope that Kakashi and Naruto will accomplish their mission."

Sasuke's POV

Now they know that she's alive. They will definitely go after us. I still need her eyes to find Itachi, I will not turn her over yet, but if this thing became heated I will just bring her back because she will just hold us back. I don't want a bother on my team.

When we finally escaped from them, we look for a place to hide. Hinata used her Byakugan and looked for a cave. We rest for a while, but Suigetsu and Hinata were still keeping a look out. Suigetsu said that he will look after Hinata while looking out for us.

"Did you find something HInata?" Suigetsu asked, I was looking after them at the entrance of the cave

"No, but something strange is happening." Hinata said looking at the east direction with her byakugan activated

"What, what is it?" Suigetsu asked

"Rats. The forest is full of rats. Everywhere I can see group of rats wondering around it's like they are finding something." Hinata explained

"Hey, Sasuke do you think it's the Konoha guys jutsu?"

"Wait I see someone behind a tree, 4 meters away from us. He is holding a pen and a scroll, and I see another one with spiky hair about 5 meters away."

"It's them. Karin, Jugo, let's move out." I said and we started running

"They don't quit do they? I'm getting tired of running; let me set something up Sasuke." Karin said and we stop on running because Karin just stands behind us

"What are you doing Karin, let's go." Suigetsu said

"Shut up Suigetsu!" Karin yelled and chains came out from her back. I didn't know Karin can make this jutsu. She makes a barrier made of those chains.

"Now that will buy us some time. Let's go!" she said and team up with us. I see Hinata is still looking back.

"What's wrong Hinata?" I asked

"Three people team up with the two guys I've seen earlier. Now they are running on our direction."

"Don't worry Hinata they won't keep up with us now. They can't break those chains with their kunai's. A special jutsu can only break those chains. And only on our clan knows that special jutsu." Karin said and Hinata somehow feel at ease

"Ah Sasuke-kun, about earlier, I'm really sorry. I promise I will be careful next time. If I really come with you with a reason, then I will not hold you back. I will try to regain my memory so that I can have more information about them."

"Don't worry about it too much. Just stay away from those guys."



Kakashi's POV

We team up with Shikamaru and Sai but they said that they can't still trace where they are. We just continue running forward until we encounter this chain barrier on the way.

"What is this thing? Chains?" Naruto said

"It looks like it." Sakura said and Naruto take out a kunai

"Damn it. It can be cut by Kunai. Stand back everyone." He creates a clone and they made a Rasengan and bang it to the chains.

"It won't even bulge. What do we do Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked

"I've seen these chains before." I said and remember Minato-sensei's wife, Kushina-san, Naruto's mother. The Uzumaki clan is the only ones who can make these chains. I have a hunch that one of Sasuke's members is an Uzumaki. "Only special jutsu can undo these chains."

"Special Jutsu? Can you do it Kakashi-sensei?" Shikamaru asked

"I don't know if I can do it, but I will try." I perform the hand signs and place my palm on the chains but it's not working. I have a training session once with Kushina-san. And she taught me about this jutsu and how to undo it. The thing is I can't undo it, only she and Minato-sensei can undo the jutsu. But maybe Naruto can undo the jutsu.

"Naruto!" I called him

"Huh? Me? Why?" He pointed himself

"Just come here. I'm going to teach you how to undo this jutsu. I can't do it until now but I know you can do it." I said

"Until now? But Kakashi-sensei if you can't do it, why do you expect me to do undo the jutsu?" Naruto complained. I just sighted.

"Just do what I do okay?"

"H-hai!" I perform the hand signs one by one and Naruto copy them.

"Naruto listen, if you want to take Hinata back from Sasuke, concentrate I know you can do it. Do the hand signs and release a certain amount of chakra on your palm and place it to the chain and say 'release', do you understand?"

"Okay I will give it a try." Naruto did everything I said to him "Release!" he said and the chains vanished, the jutsu was broken.

"Wow! How did you do that Naruto! Even Kakashi-sensei couldn't do it!" Sakura said awe at Naruto's doing

"Ahhahahaha it's just luck I guess." He said a bit flattered

"Let's move out!" I said and we head out pass through that barrier

It takes us time but we still need to keep up with Sasuke. Shikamaru approach me while jumping over the trees

"Kakashi-sensei. There is something with that jutsu right."

"Ah! It was Naruto's mother who taught me to undo that jutsu but I never done it. Only the ones with the blood of Uzumaki can undo that jutsu. But the fourth Hokage can also undo that jutsu."

"So you're saying that Sasuke has an Uzumaki with him?"

"That's what I believe and I think the red hair woman with them is the Uzumaki."


To be continued...

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