Chapter 15: Confession [Final]

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Naruto's POV

I cough after that huge blow that I receive from Sasuke.

When I stand up and look around, I can't see or sense Sasuke anymore.

"He ran away again." Someday Sasuke I am going to return you back to the village but for now Hinata is the most important. I followed the others and catch up with them.


"Naruto, where is Sasuke?"

"He ran away again." I said

"I see."

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan."

"No It's alright Naruto. We accomplished the mission on getting Hinata back." she said. That's right Hinata, she's running beside Neji.

"Hinata!" I yelled and run towards her


"Hinata! Thank goodness you're alright!" I said and hug her and we both stop

"Oi Naruto what are you doing to Hinata-sama?!" Neji said and he broke us apart.

"hehehe." I smile and scratch the back of my head

"Uh, Naruto-kun, I'm sorry. I didn't get to talk to you before because Sasuke wouldn't let me. You see I got an amnesia that time." she said, I am right that I did saw her that time.

"It's alright, Hinata don't apologize." I said


We returned back to the village and report everything to Tsunade-no-baachan.

"Good work but letting Sasuke run away again is unforgivable Naruto."

"I'm sorry I promise I won't let it happen again."

"You better be."

"Hinata is in the medical room with Sakura and I already told the Hyuuga clan about this."


Hinata's POV

Medical Room~

"Looks like you are fine Hinata. How did you recover so fast after you fought the Hachibi?" Sakura-san asked examining my body

"Ah Karin is the one who help me to recover. She has some sort of healing jutsu."

"Karin? The red hair woman with Sasuke?"

"Yeah. She's nice and caring." I said

"Do you really consider them as your friend?"

"Yeah. Even though they all lied about me that I joined them in my will, they consider me as their comrade." I said

"I see. Then treasure those moments forever." She said and smile at me. Someone knock at the door

"Come in." Sakura-san said

"Hinataaaaa~!" Kiba cried and hugged me while crying with Akamaru


"I'm sorry Hinata! I'm so useless. I didn't get to save you." he said. I rub his head

"It's okay. I know you search and look for me. Thank you. Thank you everyone." I said

"Group hug!!!" Sakura-san said and we all hug together with Shino and Akamaru

"Hey let me in!" Naruto-kun said

"Me too!" Choji said and everyone else come in and hug me very tightly

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