Chapter 8: I know you

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Naruto's POV

I am thankful to Sai and Sakura-chan for helping me to get to my feet again. I bet Sakura-chan asked Tsunade-no-bachan for me to come with the mission. I fix my things bring my weapons and change my clothes. I went out my house and left a shadow clone to fix the door.

"Hinata wait for me!"

"Sakura-chan!!!" I yelled as I run towards them at the gate. I seems that everyone is ready except for a missing member.

"Where is Kakashi--sensei?" I asked

"He's with Tsunade-sama for the last instructions." Shikamaru said

"Ahhaha sorry I'm late..." Kakashi-sensei said arriving "Okay everyone, this is a top secret mission we all need to be careful and we have our goal on our minds. Let's head out!"



Hinata's POV

We've reach the village. Sasuke said that we should split up to collect some information about the Akatsuki. I am walking at the town and looking around. There are so many stores and people in this town. I asked some people that looks like they know something about this organization. Sasuke explained to me what they looked like and what they do.

"Say wanna get some ramen first?"

"What are you saying Naruto, we're not here to eat!"

"But Sakura-chan I'm hungry..."

"Okay lets go grab some lunch I'm hungry also."

"Yey! It's Kakashi-sensei's treat!"

"Who told you that I'm going to treat you?!"

I hear conversations. I turn my head to the right and saw ninja's. They are walking at the town just across where I am standing right now. I saw a pink haired girl about the same height as I am, a man with a mask, a guy with a white skin, a black hair tied in a spiky ponytail, and a guy with blond spiky hair and a 3 whisker lines on his cheek. I stared at that guy because I have a feeling that I know that guy.

Memories flowing to my head. I remember now my dream. He was that guy who is calling for me. That image from my dream became clear and he was that guy. But...who is he? I lost my memory that's why I can't remember him.

I think his name is Naruto. I'm going to approach him and asked him who he is. I started to walk. "Narut---mmmm..mmmm..mmm"

"Quiet!" Sasuke said after we hide behind the wall. He covers my mouth and dragged me here. He let go of his hand

"What are y---?" I tried to asked

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he yelled at me, I became scared all of a sudden "Don't you recognize those headbands? They're from Konoha! Do you want to get back to them huh? Or have you regain your memories?!" He asked one after another, I'm scared of him, this is the first time I saw him getting angry. I can't speak even if I want to. The tears from my eyes just started to fall. I bowed down so that he can't see my face.

"Don't approach them again..." Sasuke hugged me and brush my hair "They will take you back." he let go and I just nod at him, he wipe my tears and hold my wrist and jump at the building.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to find the others and we're going to get out of here!"


Naruto's POV

"Hey, Naruto? What's wrong with you? What are you looking for?" Sakura asked following me

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