Prologue: Festival

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Konoha was having a festival. Paper lanterns, booths, foods, kimonos, yukatas, and fireworks were all the trademarks.

Naruto is wearing a orange yukata, Sakura was wearing a goldfish design of a kimono , Sai is wearing a dark green yukata and Kakashi was wearing his usual clothes. He said he's not fond of festivals.

"Sakura-san, Naruto, I'm going now okay." Sai said with a smile

"Where are you going?" Sakura asked

"Ah well to Ino. This is a festival after all. See yah." Sai left and the two were wondering of what Sai just said

"Ino?" Sakura questioned

"Don't asked me?" Naruto said "ah Sakura-chan?"

"What is it?"

"Since Kakashi-sensei and Sai left, can we have a date now?"

"Sure , but it's your treat." Sakura said and left Naruto behind

"Eh?! Sakura-chan wait for me. Are you okay with takoyaki?"

"Okay I'd love to."

Naruto was really happy to have a date with Sakura this festival because she is the one Naruto adores ever since they are still young.


"Hinata what are you looking at?" Kiba said as he rest his arm on Hinata's shoulder

"Uh huh? No-nothing." Hinata said as she blush

"Oh I see. It's Naruto right?" Kiba said teasing Hinata

"Huh No ...yes." Hinata said by defeat. She can't keep a secret on Kiba because he has been his best friend.

"Just as I thought!"

"What's wrong with Hinata? Because I am worried." Shino said as he appeared in front of the two holding to sticks of cotton candy

"Shino-kun don't just appear like that." Hinata said and take one of the cotton candy on Shino's hand and Kiba did the same. Hinata left and Kiba followed him.

"I'm sad. Why? Because she didn't even answer my question and take my cotton candy with Kiba and then left me here." Shino said and walk to Hinata and Kiba.


"Sakura come with me." Naruto said as he hold Sakura's wrist

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Naruto and Sakura walked towards a hill beside a river outside the village but not far enough.

"Wait Naruto this is outside the village already you know."

"I know. I am going to show you something."

"What is it?"

"That." Naruto pointed at the sky above the village and the fireworks are starting to light up

"Wow it's pretty."

"I know right." Naruto enthusiastically

"Sakura-chan I know that you already knew it but I just want to you to know that I really ... love you." Naruto said seriously while looking at Sakura's eyes and it can see that she is a bit shock of Naruto's confession.

"Uh Naruto you already know what I am going to answer right?"

"Yeah but please just pretend that I don't know." Naruto said with a smile but we all know that it is a fake smile because his eyes are both sad. 

"Sorry but I can't repay you with the love that you want. I can just give you the love of a friend and also you are like my brother to me Naruto so I am really sorry. I think we need to go back now." Sakura said with a low tone voice

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