Chapter 1: Mission

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Naruto's POV

It's a great day today. Maybe I should go to Ichiraku's and eat my favorite food there~Ramen! I fix my bed and get dress with my favorite orange jacket that Pervy-sage gave me and put my headband on.

As I walk to town, I just keep on greeting everyone, I don't know what come into me but I just can't get off this smile from my face. Thanks to Hinata last night that help me get over the sadness that's covering me after Sakura-chan rejected me.

Maybe I should take-out some ramen for her as a symbol of my appreciation to her. I didn't knew that Hinata was really good at interacting with peoples feelings because she is very shy around everyone around else.

"Naruto-kun what's wrong with your face?" It is Sai. He was walking by towards me and he is holding a sketch-pad like always.

"Nothing why is there something on my face?" I asked and touch my face is there is anything in it

"That smile." He said pointing out my face

"Hahahaha nothing, this is nothing hahaha do you want to go to the Ichiraku with me?" I asked inviting him to eat with me

"Ah-no I am going to Ino's place to eat." What Ino again? Are they dating now. "Okay bye" he said and rushed to get away from me with his red face

Oh! Is that Sakura-chan at the Ichiraku? I spotted a young woman with pink colored hair just came in to the Ichiraku's. What is she doing here in the morning? Does she also want ramen for breakfast?

I am okay now and I think I can face Sakura-chan without her worrying about my feelings.

"Sakura-chan! Good morning! Ossan-Good morning, Akane-chan good morning!"

"Oh Naruto Good morning! You look happy today!" Ossan said "Do you want your ramen now?"

"Yeah please." I said and take a seat beside Sakura-chan and she is just looking at me without any reaction

I wave my hand in front of her face as I said "O-Ha-Yo- Sakura-chan!"

"Oh Naruto Good morning!" she snap out now

"Are you alright?" I asked because she is dazing out

"Ah yeah, no I should be asking you that question." She said panicking

"Yeah I feel great. Thank you for being honest last night. I know that you really love Sasuke, so I can't do anything about it. Don't worry about me I am really okay." I said and give her a smile

"I really am sorry Naruto."

"Ah no don't be. Lets not talk about this okay. It's a great day so don't be such a gloomy. "

"Yeah okay!." Sakura-chan is back to her energetic self again and that's good for me also because she will stop thinking about it.

After Sakura-chan and I finished to eat our ramen, Sakura-chan headed out first she said that she will be going to Tsunade-no-baa-chan.

"Ossan one take-out of beef ramen please." I said ordering the present for Hinata

"Okay, but aren't you stuffed enough that you are going to take-out?"

"No, this is for Hinata."


"Ah! I would just want to thank her."

Ossan give me the box of the ramen inside. I hope that Hinata would like this because it's too bad if she don't. This is really delicious though.

As I walked towards Hinata's house I bumped into Neji.

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" Neji asked

"Neji, have you seen Hinata?"


"I would just like to give her this, have you seen her."

"Yes, she is being summoned by Tsunade-sama with her team, I think they have a mission to do."

"Okay thanks Neji." I said and run to the mission room

"Oh." Neji said


Team Kurenai was being summoned by Tsunade by her mission room. Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata and Shino were on a mission at the Rice Village. Kurenai is pregnant so she can't go with them, so a substitute jounin was accompanying them, it was supposed that Kakashi is going to be with them but this is a urgent mission and Kakashi went to an S class mission with Gai and other Jounins.

"Team Kurenai, your mission is to escort Asakura Kotori back to the Rice Village. She was kidnapped because she posses the scriptures of the secret ninjutsu and kinjutsu on her back. We've just retrieve her back and you are to bring her back to the Asakura clan, this is a B-rank mission and you three are all chunins and Tatsuma here is you Jounin, so I expect this mission to be a success. Will you do it?" Tsunade explained the mission to them

"Yes!" they all said

"You can start your mission once you packed all your tool and things you'll need. That's all."

"Thank you Tsunade-sama."

"Tsunade-no-baa-chan!!!!! Let me go with them." Naruto said as he let himself by the door

"Naruto?!" they all said in surprised

"Baa-chan let me come with them please." Naruto said convincing Tsunade to go with them

"No Naruto this is a mission for Team Kurenai only."

"Then who is this guy?" Naruto said as he points to the jounin

"I'm Tatsuma, the temporary jounin for this mission for Kurenai-han."

"Eh?!" Naruto said with a doubt

"Please Tsunade-no-baa-chan...."

"I said no and don't call me baa-chan, stupid." Tsunade get up from her chair and smacked Naruto on his head

"That hurts!"

"Naruto-kun what are you doing here?" Hinata asked

"Ah Hinata I forgot, I'm here to give you this."

"What is that?"

"Ramen." Naruto give the ramen to Hinata and turn back again to Tsunade still asking if he can come. The team already left so for Naruto that was kicked out of Tsunades office.

"Baa-chan was so mean she didn't have to hit me like that, if she just let me come with you guys." Naruto said and he has his arm behind his neck while they are walking outside the mansion

"It's alright because you'll just be a bother to us." Kiba said

"What was that?" Naruto said little pissed by what Kiba said

"Why do you want to go with us anyway?" Shino asked

"No reason, I'm just totally bored and heard the mission that baa-chan gave you and that excites me, and also I want to spend time with Hinata also. Hahahaha" Naruto laugh that made the two boys-Kiba and Shino looked at him and probably thinking what an idiot can he be

"Wh-what? what did you just said." Hinata said and her face was turning red

"I said I want to spend time with you." Naruto repeated

"Spend.....Time....Whaahhh." Hinata passed out

"Oi Hinata get a grip..Hinata..oi Hinata what's wrong with you.?" Naruto asked as he catches Hinata from falling, Hinata's face is still burning up


to be continued...

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