Chapter 6: Secret Mission

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Kakashi's POV

There is something wrong about Hinata's death. The next day after her funeral, I talk to Kiba, Shino, Tatsuma, and Sakura. They give me all the information they gathered during the search for Hinata. When Pakkun and I are at the cave he said that Hinata was there and some other people just camp inside the cave as I investigate it.

Why would Hinata's body at the river when her scent was on the cave and who is with her? It is possible that the Hinata that we got isn't our Hinata. It is possible to be a fake base on the evidences.

I will consult Tsunade-sama about this. As I walk towards the hallway to her office I hear some conversation inside her room. I knocked at the door. "Enter!" Tsunade-sama said and I open the door, I saw Sakura and Shikamaku inside.

"Kakashi what brings you here?" Tsunade-sama said as she lean towards her desk placing both her hands together on top of her desk.

"I would like to consult to you about Hinata's death." I said I noticed that Sakura's worried face

"You too Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked

"You too?"

"Ah! Sakura was also here about that topic." Tsunade-sama said

"It's just I find it strange. During her autopsy before we cremate her, the Medical Team find it also strange that she has a wound on her stomach, it is probably a stab from a kunai. I asked Kiba and Shino what happened, they said that he was attacked by a jounin ninja with his jutsu and fell in the mountain. She wasn't stab by any of the ninja that ambushed them." Sakura explained

"That's what I also thought. Pakkun and I found a cave that has Hinata's scent in it, with other people. It's strange that Hinata fell from the mountain and was probably unconscious because of the impact. My hypothesis is that someone might saw Hinata and take her into the cave. But how did Sakura found her at the riverside?" I explained my findings

"So the two of you are saying that Hinata might be alive?" Shikamaru asked with confusion on his face

"Yeah!" I nodded

"I don't know it myself if she's still alive or not." Sakura said

"If the Hinata you brought back to the village is fake, and just a transformation jutsu of her, the jutsu should be released the time she was cremated." Tsunade-sama said

"Yes that thing should happen if it's an ordinary transformation jutsu." I said and everyone gasp at what I said

"What do you mean Kakashi?" Tsunade-sama questioned as she stand on her seat and places her hands on the table hitting it hard with curios thought

My expression became serious and Tsunade-sama. "Someone might cast a strong jutsu on that body to transform into HInata."

"Wha-!" "Huh?!" Sakura and Shikamaru said with shock on their faces, Tsunade-sama sit down from her chair again

"and listen to this Sakura." I said as I look at her


"It might be Sasuke's doing!"

"Huh?.....What are you talking about Kakashi-sensei?" she said with confusion

"Kakashi what are you talking about? Sasuke?" Tsunade-sama said

"I consulted earlier Kiba and Shino. Kiba said during the incident when they are looking for Hinata, he smelled Sasuke's scent but it faded immediately so he didn't bother on finding Sasuke. He probably used the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"What turn of event this is..." Tsunade-sama sighted

Everyone was just quiet. Looks like Tsunade-sama is thinking of an action.

"Alright! The three of you will have a secret mission. It is to investigate about Hinata's disappearance. And don't let anyone, I mean anyone to know anything about this, especially Naruto. I can't let him be in this mission, concerning Sasuke and Hinata, he will just do something recklessly. Sakura this is the chance for you to bring back Sasuke if it you prove that Hinata is with Sasuke."

"Yes Master."

"Shikamaru, you gather intel from the next village, if they saw Sasuke's group."

"I understand."

"Kakashi, if your deductions are right, take action right away. If there is a chance that you will find them, our first priority is Hinata. Make sure to bring her back safely. They kidnap her probably and ask her to use her byakugan. When you retrieve Hinata, it's your decision to fight Sasuke and bring him to the village at any cost."

"I understand."

"Remember don't let anyone know about this! Especially Naruto! Understand?!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The door suddenly opens.

"Naruto!?" Sakura yelled

"What are you doing here?" Tsunade-sama said

He looks like he just been on crying. He have this gloomy face. Just like when Jiraya-sama died.

"What is it that I don't suppose to know?" he said as he walk toward us

"It's none of your business!" Tsunade-sama said

"It's none of my business, you say?"

"Naruto!" I said

"Kakashi-sensei, it's Sasuke who's talking about here, and he take Hinata with her, making us believe to that fake. How can it be none of my business?"

"Naruto..." Sakura tapped Naruto's shoulder but he pushed it away

"Why don't you just let me join the team on finding her?!"

"Because you might do something reckless again."

"Reckless? I made a promise that I will bring Hinata and Sasuke back, and I am going to do it just let me in the team!"

"We are not sure yet if she is with Sasuke.-"

"Hinata is missing and you're just going to secret this information to everyone. There is a possibility that she is alive. Are you going to deceive everyone?"

"Naruto! Respect Tsunade-sama. All you hear is just my deduction; we are going to investigate first if that is true." I yelled at Naruto and that makes him to calm down

He seemed to calm down. He walks through the door. "I know that she's alive. If you're not going to let me go with you, I will find her myself." He said and went out the room.

"Naruto." Sakura said

"Let him be Sakura, he needs time to calm down." Tsunade-sama said

To Be Continued...

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