Chapter 4: Hinata Hyuuga

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Kiba's POV

"Captain Tatsuma, we really can't find Hinata, It's almost noon. What are we going to do now?" Hinata is still nowhere to be found. We looked everywhere but we still can't find her. I am getting much worried, Hiashi-sama will kill us if we don't find her.

"As we talked about earlier, we are going to take Asakura-san first at her village and complete the mission first, then we are going to resume finding Hinata until the night falls." Captain Tatsuma said

"Is there any other way in getting to your village Asakura-san?" Shino asked

"Yes there is and only in the clan can perform this jutsu. It can transport ourselves to the clan's temple. But i can only hold a single person with me." Asakura-san explained

"You can only bring one of us with you?"


"Okay that's settled. I'm going with Asakura-san, you two will find Hinata." Captain Tashi said

Asakura-san perform some hand signs, she hold Captain Tatsuma and they both vanished in an instant. That was a pretty handy jutsu, but why didn't she say that she can use teleportation in the first place?!

"I will look over here, Kiba you look for Hinata at the south okay." Shino said pointing at the opposite directions

"Okay." I said and Shino and I split up


Sasuke's POV

"You're my comrades?" Hinata asked, I explained to her that she is our comrade. This is a lie of course to make her one of us.

"Can you tell something about me? " She asked again

"First your from the great Hyuuga clan of Konoha that has the doujutsu of Byakugan. I am also from Konoha, the Uchiha clan. I also have a doujutsu the Sharingan. I take you with me because you can be useful in my revenge to kill my brother."

"Why did I do such thing to come with you?"

"It's your own decision, you want to come with me for some reason so I let you to come with me."

"Okay. I know you also have your reason on planning to kill your brother right. But it doesn't look like you are bad guys. Karin healed me and Suigetsu always helped me to get up, Jugo always prepare good food for me and Sasuke, you are the one that help me right when I fell the cliff?" How did she know that?

"I'm sorry I just slipped." Jugo said

"Hey Sasuke don't you think your going too far?" Suigetsu said

"Everyone get ready we're moving out." I said

"Ignoring me again?!"

"Just shut up and go!" Karin said


Kiba's POV

"Any sign of her?"

"I found this at the mountain at a rock with blood in it."

It was Hinata's headband and did Shino just said blood?

"I think Hinata have landed in that rock because it's her blood. I test it if it's Hinata's with my insects and it's hers"

"If Hinata was injured how can it be possible that we can't find her?" I asked

"Hinata was also unconscious when she fell so it is impossible for her to move on her own." Shino added

"I have a feeling that Sasuke might found her and took her with him."

"Because, earlier I smelled Sasuke's scent right Akamaru?" Akamaru bark as a response

"That's true but we don't have a proof that it is Sasuke who took Hinata. For the meantime let's just keep on looking." Shino said and we resume on looking for Hinata. I am not going to give up looking for Hinata.


Naruto's POV

"Ossan is really great, he even gave this coupon." Ossan in Ichiraku give me two coupons for his special ramen, hehehehe I'm going to invite Hinata when they come back from their mission.

A sudden gust of wind flew by.

"Hoooh... That was close." I almost slip the coupons off my hand. And why do I fell uneasy all of a sudden?

"Naruto! Tsunade-sama is calling for us!" Sakura-chan shouted rushing towards me

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't know but she said it's an emergency."

We run quickly as possible to Tsunade-no-baachan and we've seen that Sai is here and Kakashi-sensei. So they finished their mission.

"Yosh now that you are already here I have a mission for you guys."

"Mission?" I asked

"Yes I'm sorry to say this but, Hinata is missing."

"WHAT?!" we all said in unison

"Who's missing? Hinata? How come? They are on a mission right and a what is Kiba doing?" I'm in panic right now and I don't know what I'm going to do. Hinata is missing, I don't want to lose a friend anymore. Sasuke....

"Calm down Naruto." Sakura-chan said as she tapped my shoulder

"What happened Tsunade-sama?" Kakashi-sensei said

"A message just arrive, it came from Tatsuma the one who is in charge of Kurenai-han for this mission. He said that they we're ambushed by the unknown ninjas they are chunin and jounin levels and one jounin attacked Hinata and she fell from the mountain they are crossing to reach the village. They said they are searching for her since yesterday but they can't still find her. I'm going to send your team Kakashi to help them look for Hinata."

"Where are they Tsunade-sama?" Sakura-chan asked

"They are at the bottom of the mountain the passage to the Rice Village."

"If you've just let me come with them, this wouldn't have happen." I said

"I'm sorry Naruto." She said and I just keep my head looking at the floor

"Naruto!" Sakura-chan said

"Let's go Kakashi-sensei" I said and leave Tsunade-sama's room

"Wait Naruto!" Sakura-chan said following me

Hinata wait for me. I am coming to find you. I wouldn't forgive myself if I can't bring you back like I did to Sasuke.


To be continued...

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