First day | 30

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I wake up to my mom walking into my room and opening my blinds. I sit up and stretch my arms.

"Morning sunshine!" my mother says in an overly excited way.

"Morning, do you know the time?".

"It's 6:45, so you better hurry. The bus is going to be here at 7:30.".

    I get up and put on my striped sweater and blue jeans. I put my hair into a low messy bun. I walk up to my mirror to see if I look good. Deciding that what I'm wearing fits me well, I grab my light blue school bag and head downstairs. I walk into my kitchen and grab a banana for the bus. I walk towards my front door, slip my white Converse on and head out the door. The walk to my bus is short, and the sun is out, so I don't mind. I make my way to my bus stop and see a familiar face. I tap the tall, black-haired boy on the shoulder, and he turns around.

"Hey, I didn't know you lived around here," I say to Minho. We usually hang out at Thomas's house.

"I could say the same to you. Wanna sit with me on the bus? I usually sit alone, but I'll make an exception for the newest greenie." he says with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not a greenie anymore," I say with a smile.

"You and Allie are the newest to the group, so until someone else joins, you and Allie are the greenies," he says with a low laugh.

"Oh, shut it, you shank," I say, lightly pushing him with my shoulders.

Minho looked at me like he was looking at a puppy and said, "My little greenie is growing up so fast.".

"What did I say about calling me greenie?" I laugh.

    Just as Minho is about to answer, the bus arrives. Minho and I get on and walk to the second to last seat on the bus. There aren't many kids on this bus, maybe fifteen, and it's fairly quiet. Minho starts to talk in a hushed tone as we start to drive off.

    We make it to school around 7:45 and make our way down the halls to the cafeteria. Minho and I walk up to an empty table with enough seats to fit all of our friends. Gally and Alby walk over to us shortly after we sit down. We are waiting for Newt, Thomas and Ben to get to school so we can talk about our classes before the orientation starts. The three boys run ten minutes before the orientation begins.

"Late, like usual," Alby says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry, the bloody bus took so long, and then we couldn't find the cafeteria, and it was all a mess," Newt says, catching his breath from all the running.

"It's fine, we have like ten minutes before this thing starts, so we should see what classes we have together now," I say, pulling my schedule out of the front pocket of my school bag.

"Ok, so I have Science with Mr. Janson, English with Mrs. Wilson, Math with Mrs. Smith, and History with Mr. Miller. I'm  also taking track and cooking as my extra credit courses." Minho says.

"I have English and Math with you," Gally tells Minho.

"I have a track, Science and History, with you, and I have English with Mr. Danvis," Thomas says, looking up from his schedule and directing his statement to Minho.

We continue sharing what we have for classes, and I find out I have English with Newt, Thomas and Ben, Math with Minho and Gally, Art with Newt and Alby and Science and History with Ben and Thomas and Minho. I look at the time and mentally prepare myself for the next hour of the orientation.

Orientation goes surprisingly fast. We all get up from our seats and rush to get to our lockers. All of the first year's lockers are in the C hallway so we have to almost run to them to get there on time. I get to hallway C and frantically look for locker A6, I walk a little further down the hallway and find it. I walk up to my locker and open it. I start to put my books and hang up some pictures from the summer. I hear the locker on my left open, I turn my head and see the beautiful blonde hair I know and love.

"Hey, stranger," I say, wrapping my arms around Newt.

"Hey, love," he says, mimicking my action.

"You want to walk to class? We have like five minutes before art class starts." I say, holding my hand out to him as I start to walk.

"Sure, let's go," he says, taking my hand and starting to walk with me.

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