Chapter 9 - Simply Talking

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Zippora's POV

"This goes here and that goes here..." I was just in my own little world, sorting some of my things as I usually did after training. That's when I heard my door open and close, and thinking it was Zeldy, I pointed to my dresser where one of her tiaras was- seeing as she left it here the day before.

"Zippora, this is nice but I don't see why your giving it to me?" The voice said, and it was pretty obvious that is wasn't Zelda at all.

"Zuko!" I gasped a bit, turning my head to see him with the tiara in his hand. "Don't you know what knocking is?" He rolled his eyes and set the tiara back down on my dresser before folding his arms.

"I did knock. You just didn't answer, but I could hear your humming practically through the walls." He scoffed, and I sighed and put everything in my hands down and stood up to face my annoyed sibling.

"Is that what you came to tell me?" I groaned, and he sighed and shook his head.

"No. Mom and dad told me to come talk to you. Ya know, since we haven't spent much time together since we came back from Hyrule Castle." He shrugged, and I nodded a bit. "But, if you're in the middle of organizing, I'll let you be."

"I can take a break." I said, taking a few steps away from my stuff.

"You are just so much like mom, aren't you?" He folded his arms and I tilted my head.

"In what way?" I asked, and he pointed to the spot I was sorting stuff. "How is that like her?"

"Oh, nevermind. Let's just hangout like dad said we should."

"Well, maybe we should do something. What do you like to do?" I asked, and he thought for a few minutes.


Your POV

"Maybe this would look better there... hm..." You were rearranging a few things in your room, when you heard Sidon walk in. "Oh hey honey!"

"Hey love," He started, breath coming in small gasps. "What are you doing?"

"Just doing some organizing," You sang, hanging another weapon mount on the wall for one of your newer swords. "You look like you just ran all the way across the bridge." You remarked, and he flopped down on the bed. You turned around to see him laying there as if he wanted to fall asleep. You sat next to him and gently kissed his forehead. He smiled softly and put his hand on your cheek. "What do you wanna do now?"

"I wanna take a nap." He said. closing his eyes. You laid down next to him, and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in closer so he could kiss the top of your head. "Hey _____?"

"Yes Sidon?" You looked up at him and he smiled more.

"I love you little princess." He whispered and you giggled, putting your hand on his face fin.

"I love you too princey." You breathed, kissing his lips.


Zuko's POV

"Well this is interesting," I said as my sister was trying to teach me how to play a game she learned. "So what's this for?" I asked, pointing to a card on the board.

"That's only something you get when you land on this space." She explained, pointing to a spot on the side on the board.

"Oooh, okay." I said, looking back over the game. "This is nice, Zippora."

"Right? This game is the best!" She exclaimed, and I laughed and shook my head.

"I didn't just mean the game. It's nice to finally hang out with you." I said, and she looked up with a small smile.

"Your right about that too." She grabbed a card off the board and handed it to me, now also looking at her own.

"Ya know, mom always talked about you, and Zelda and Link. And she talked about dad alllll the time." She simply nodded to this. "Did dad ever talk about me?" She paused and gave me a confused look as she slowly lowered her hand.

"Why would he have been talking about you when we thought you were here?" I squinted at her and leaned back a bit.

"Wait, what?"

"Well, we thought you were here this whole time." She acted like this was normal or something.


"It's been over a week and you don't know? About Ganon? How he replaced you?"

"Replaced me?!" I gasped, scrambling to stand but only being able to make it to my knees. "What do you mean he replaced me? How?"

"Well he took you when you were little or something and then pretended to be you for years and we didn't know until just before the battle. Even mom knew!"

"No she didn't! How am I just hearing about this?!"

"I don't know! I didn't know I was responsible for telling you!"

"But mom really never mentioned this! I thought something like this would've come up by now!"

"Mom never mentioned what?" We both turned our heads to the doorway and quickly saw both of our parents, standing side by side.

"About Ganon!" Zippora said, and she just raised an eyebrow. "You know, how he had taken Zuko's place for all those years?" There was a short moment of silence before my mother's confused look turned into a deadly one, which she slowly directed to my father.

"_____, let me explain." My father stammered, and she raised her head a bit and let her glare die as he started his story.


Heyy guyzzz wassup

And also Shark Prince ended today y'all :') (for any of my readers of both)

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