Chapter 18 - Zora Wedding

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"There we go!" Zelda smiled as she helped to fluff Zippora's dress out a bit, and the Zora Princess twirled around a bit, admiring her sister's work.

"It's beautiful! I love it, Zelda." She beamed, looking in the mirror as her sister added the last few touches. "Thank you for everything you've done these last few days." She hugged her tight, and Zelda hugged back, careful of the dress.

"Zippora! Oh, you look wonderful, honey." You breathed in as you walked into her room, and Zippora rushed over to hug you too. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I am." She breathed, and you looked over to Zelda.

"We should get downstairs. The ceremony starts in just a few minutes."


"Don't cry, Sidon." You said to your husband as you adjusted his headpiece a bit, having to stand on the chairs to reach, even with him bending over a bit.

"I'm trying," He said, looking down the aisle at the doors his daughter would be coming through. "I promise you I'm trying." You cupped his cheeks and looked at him, smiling softly to try to ease him a bit. He smiled back, but then the moment was ended when Zuko tapped his shoulder.

"You left this on the table over there," He handed Sidon his left golden bracelet, which he was quick to put on. "You doing okay, dad?"

"I'm fine," He managed to say as he put his hands behind his back, and Zuko chuckled as you hugged him. "Well, really I mean I'll be fine. Thank you, Zuko." Zuko smiled and nodded, and then suddenly Ranveer flew by you. "Ranveer!"

"I'm not late, am I?" He turned back to look at you, and you shook your head, gesturing for him to go up to his spot alongside Link, Terrell and Rhoam. "Come on, Zuko!" Zuko hurried over to his spot, and you sat down after kissing Sidon's cheek while he headed down to the doors to wait for Zippora.

Everyone went quiet, and the music began as the doors were opened, allowing Stella to walk through with her basket of flowers, throwing them all over the aisle as she skipped past everyone. Once she reached the end, the bridesmaids began walking down. Zelda, Ella and Scarlett walked down, and then once they reached the end, you saw your daughter walk through the doors.

Sidon reached out, and she smiled as they locked arms and began walking down. You gave him a reassuring smile, and he gave one back. He was trying with everything in him to not get all sappy on Zippora's wedding day, and you had to admit that you were too.

Once he reached the end, he kissed Zippora's head and then let her go off to Ranveer, who was nervously smiling once she made it to him.

Sidon sat back down next to you, and you quickly started rubbing his arm to comfort him.

"You're breathtaking." Ranveer whispered to his bride, who giggled and thanked him, doing her best to focus only on him. Just like you told her to.

"Let us begin." Kapson said, and Ranveer and Zippora both smiled and prepared themselves.


"So, Sir Ranveer, do you take Princess Zippora to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

"I do." Ranveer promised.

"And Princess Zippora, do you take Sir Ranveer to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

"I do." Zippora promised.

"The rings, please." Kapson looked at Casper, who brought the pillow over to the couple. They slipped the rings on each others fingers, and then held their hands together. "By the power invested in me by the Kingdom of Hyrule, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride, Sir Ranveer."

Ranveer pulled Zippora into him and kissed her, and everyone started cheering. Shortly after the ceremony, Zippora and Ranveer cut their cake and enjoyed the party for a while before things began to calm down and they had their first dance.

"I told her she'd be fine," Zuko remarked as he stuffed a bite of cake into his mouth, watching as his sister and her now husband enjoyed their dance. You raised an eyebrow as you glanced at him, and he shrugged a bit. "We may have had a little talk last night. She had cold feet."

"Most people get it. I'm sure Ranveer may have been the same." You said, taking a bit of your own slice. Suddenly, a glass of champagne appeared in front of you, and you took it into your hands. "Oh, thank you."

"I didn't get cold feet," Sidon commented as he appeared beside you, and you and Zuko both rolled your eyes in a 'Mhm sure' kind of way. "But I figured since we didn't drink on our wedding night," He downed a sip of his drink. "We might as well tonight."

"I'll have you know it was your fault we didn't." You said as Zuko went to find Maika, sipping the champagne. "You're the one who decided to get me pregnant before we were married."

"It wasn't planned." Sidon said, wrapping his arm around you. "But aren't you glad we have these two now? Look at that, four amazing children, all ours." He smiled as he looked out at his daughter, and you looked up at him; a cue for him to kiss you.

"And soon we may have grandchildren." Sidon pretended to faint when you said that, and you started laughing.

"Goodness, your sister is right. We are old." He breathed, and you patted his arm and set your glass down. "It feels like yesterday I was first called 'dad' and now I'm on my way to 'grandpa'."

"Well, in any case you're still the handsome shark prince I fell in love with all those years ago." You told him, and he blushed and kissed your head, setting his drink beside yours. Ranveer and Zippora called everyone else to the dance floor, so Sidon grabbed your arm and pulled you to join him.

"Well, Zippora, how does it feel now to be married to the legendary Prince Ranveer?" Ranveer asked her, and she giggled and cupped his cheeks, causing him to blush.

"It's everything I could've ever imagined." She grinned, and he smiled softly and kissed her again. "My Ranveer."


These are getting a bit rushed but we still have two more to go! They'll be out shortly

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