Chapter 11 - Scarlett and Divi

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Chrystal's POV

"Hey mom!" I could hear my daughter walk into my room, and I only gave her a small wave back without looking to see her. I was busy working on some documents to give to my brother. "I have someone I'd like you to meet!"

"Not now, Scarlett, I'm actually quite busy." I continued to do my work, signing and writing out plans on some papers. But I was quickly distracted by something wet lapping at my cheek. "Ahh!" I gasped as I saw the puppy that climbed onto my lap, and Scarlett giggled and pet it's head.

"This is Divi!" She picked up the small animal, and allowed it to lick her too, laughing. "Isn't she just the cutest?" She set her down on my bed and rushed to get her a toy from her bag.

"Scarlett, dear, I thought we've gone over this." I said, watching as the dog leaped off my bed and went to see what Scarlett was doing. "You know how I feel about dogs."

"Yes, I do," She pulled out a toy and threw it across the room, causing Divi to chase it. "And I want you to like them! They're so sweet, mom. You have to loosen up a bit."

"The last time I've been around a dog for longer than ten minutes is when your father would take me to his parent's house in Hateno. They had a dog. I actually think they had multiple."

"See? You can't possibly hate them then. Didn't we live with dad's parents for a while?" She asked, and I sighed and nodded, turning around to watch the puppy run rampage around my bedroom. "Then you were near them all the time!"

"Doesn't mean I liked them," I told her. "I wasn't home a lot. Link let me stay with him often enough after you were born. Your aunt _____ finally let me move in with her when she was able to."

"So you left all the time because of the dogs?" I shook my head. "Did you not like dad's parents?" I shook my head again. "Then why were you never home?"

"The dogs weren't my reason for leaving, I didn't hate them that much." I said, and she tilted her head. "It was more of a need to spend time with my brother."

"Oh, well see then? You don't hate them that much. Either way! I'm going to go take Zippora and Zuko to their spear class, so if you could watch Divi for a bit, that would be great!"

"Scarlett, wait-" And with that, she was gone. Leaving me alone with this new puppy. Divi only barked at me, panting as she wagged her tail. "What?" She barked again, and I tried to remember anything from my time with my fiancé's parents. "Are you hungry?" She only barked again, so I got up to check Scarlett's bag for food.

I poured some of the bag I had found into a small bowl, and Divi immediately dug in. I gave her some water and then went back to my desk, wanting to get more work done now that I had distracted the dog.

But after a minute or two, I heard her whining, and when I looked down, I realized I hadn't even felt her jump up to my lap again. She was looking at me, giving me literal puppy dog eyes. I looked back at her bowl to see it was empty.

"You sure eat fast, don't you?" I asked, and she whined more and rolled over onto her back. "I don't know what you need." She wiggled a bit, and while confused, I started rubbing her belly. She started panting again, her tail swaying fast. "Oh."

She jumped up and started licking me again, and I couldn't help but laugh a little. I grabbed her toy and threw it to the other side of the room, which she happily chased.

"I guess you aren't so bad." She brought it back and I threw it again, and she did the same thing. Maybe, just maybe - not promising anything - I would get along okay, even a decent amount, with this puppy.


If you remember Chapter 34 ~

Addition for any new or current readers - I understand I said Scarlett is 23 and Chrystal is 30 - ages got messed up

Chrystal was in the shrine 9 years longer than Scarlett, after going in at the same time and stuff

(I think anyways it's been a long time since that was written)

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