Chapter 14 - Zora History

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"Dad?" Zuko said quietly as he pushed open your bedroom door, seeing Sidon sitting at his desk doing some work. Sidon glanced up, smiling once he saw his eldest son.

"Zuko!" He beamed, pushing himself away from his desk to face the young prince. "Do you need something? Or perhaps you just want to spend some time with your old man." Sidon prodded, and Zuko chuckled as he closed the door behind him and walked in.

"Well, actually, it's... kind of both." Sidon's smile softened and he tilted his head a bit as Zuko sat on the edge of the large bed in the center of the room, setting a thick, blue book down next to him. "I came to ask some things about the history of the zoras. I've been reading these books that Grandpa Dorephan gave me, and since you seemed to know a lot when you were talking to King Vinh, I decided to ask you. If you aren't too busy, of course."

"I have plenty of time to finish this work. You may ask as many questions as you need to." Sidon looked down at the book that Zuko opened, and he flipped to the start of Chapter one. "What kind of questions are they?"

"Well, chapter one is all about how the zora came to be," He explained. "So I have a lot of questions about this part."

"Fire away."

"First, what was the name of the zora that led everyone into Eastern Hyrule? It talks only about his feats, yet it doesn't mention his name."

"Sir Larunes, I believe his name was. He was deemed King of the Zora once we established civilization, but he passed not too long after, leaving the throne to his daughter, Princess Mikala." He explained, and Zuko nodded and turned a few pages before holding it out to Sidon.

"This picture. Is this the design for the original domain structure?" Sidon took the book into his hands, looked over it a bit and then nodded, handing the book back to his son.

"It was a design that was created for the domain. Merely a concept drawing, though. This was not what the domain first looked like when we settled thousands of years ago. Go to the next page." On the next page was a picture of the domain. "That's what the first domain looked like."

"Woah, that's so cool!" Zuko's face lit up as he examined the image, and Sidon chuckled at his excitement. "Well, how about," He turned another few pages. "'The Battle for Lanayru', what was that?"

"The Battle for Lanayru occured when the two Zora tribes were forced to battle for the land of the Lanayru. It was rightfully ours, which is why we managed to win it."

"Why couldn't both tribes share it? Live in peace like they do now?"

"Our tribes had been having conflict with each other, and their king was not willing to share." He looked down at the pictures that Zuko was studying, remembering being taught all of this by his father many years back.

"It says here that our zora tribe came from the Southeast ocean and the other one came from the Northeast ocean."

"Correct!" Sidon nodded, leaning back in his seat. "We have close ties with Lurelin Village for this reason. When the zora first came here, the hylians living in the south were very kind to them. They allowed them to stay in the village until they discovered the Lanayru region."

"Then that brings me to my last question for this chapter," Zuko went to the last page. "I read a bit about Princess Ruto's story, is she the one Ruta was named after?"

"Yes, she is Ruta's namesake. Did you have any questions about the story itself?" The door then opened, and you popped your head in to see what they were doing.

"Oh! I was wondering where you two were." You walked in with your other three children behind you, and Sidon held his arms out for Link and Zelda. "What have you been up to?"

"Dad's telling me about the history of the zoras!" Zuko exclaimed, and you giggled and patted his head. "Can I stay here with him still? Or does he have meetings?" There was a twinge of disappointment in his voice, and you looked back at Sidon.

"Well, dinner is being served in just a few minutes, so we have to go down now." Zuko sighed, and you placed your hand on his shoulder. "But afterwards, you can come back up and spend some more time with your father."

"Yes!" He smiled, and then he looked at Zippora. "Last one to the table is a hotfooted frog!" Zuko ran downstairs, and Zippora, Zelda and Link followed quickly behind. You and Sidon left too, walking down at your own pace.

"They've got a lot of energy," You chuckled as you walked downstairs. "I remember when I had that much." Sidon smiled as he intertwined his fingers with yours, and you blushed a bit as you looked up at him.

Still as romantic as it always had been.


Expect a couple more chapters in the next several hours, and a group tomorrow

I appreciate you guy's patience with the schedule changes :)

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