Chapter 17 - Sneaking

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"Mmm, Sidon," You hummed as you ambled over to your side of the bed, your husband already laying there waiting for you. "We should be getting to sleep. I'm tired." You leaned on the edge of the bed, your hair falling over your shoulders to dangle beside your face.

"I know," A soft smile played on his lips as he rested his head on his arms behind him. "But can't we stay up a little longer?"

"No, we have to be up early to get ready for the wedding. We can stay up late tomorrow but for tonight, we can't." You sat down, quickly feeling his hand run up and down your back, sending a chill down your spine. "Fortunately, it's not too late, so we should get to sleep now."

"Right." He pulled the blanket down so you could get under it, and you both turned off the lights on either side of your bed. "Goodnight, my love." He pulled you into his, your back pressing against his chest, and you could feel his lips planting kisses on your neck.

"Sidon..." You managed, ready to doze off but enthralled with his touch.

"You're delicious..." He growled, snaking his arm around you to pull you a bit closer. You looked back at him, a small smile appearing on your face.

"Sleep. Now." You whispered, and he finally agreed and kissed your lips one last time before nuzzling his face into your hair, his hand still trailing up and down your back to help you fall asleep.

Meanwhile, down the hall, your daughter was busy trying to sneak out of her room. She had a small bag packed, and she had her cloak on ready to go. She slipped out of her room, and hurried down the hall. She didn't know where she would go, or how long she wanted to be gone. Even if it was just for the night.

She hadn't been able to sleep, now scared at the idea of getting married the next morning. She loved her fiancé, more than anything. But a part of her was screaming at her not to.

It had been a week since her birthday, meaning a week since she saw him. And it was only a few months after the wedding that they would be coronated and moving to his domain.

She finally got downstairs, but as she was about to leave, she nearly slipped and yelped, having to slap her hand over her mouth to conceal the noise. But, as she heard a door open behind her, she knew it was too late.

"Zippora?" Zuko asked, and she looked back at him, thinning her lips as she tried to hide her bag. "Zip, what are you doing up so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?"

"Well, I- Shouldn't you?!" She panicked, hoping he'd leave her alone and go back to whatever he was doing.

"I'm not the one getting married tomorrow." He glanced down at the bag behind her, and with a confused glance, looked back at her with a sigh. "Why do you have a bag?" She looked away, and he closed the door behind him and walked over to her. "Zippora."

"I-I..." She dropped her act with a huff. "I don't know if I'm making the right decision..." He opened his arms for her, and she gladly let herself fall into them.

"Well then, ask yourself two questions." He said, and she tilted her head. "One. Do you love Ranveer?"

"Of course I do! I love him with my whole heart, I just... I don't know. Maybe I'm not ready for this." She sighed, and he pulled her away and shook his head.

"No one ever is." He said, and she nodded and waited for the next question. "Two. Do you want this?"

"Yes." She nodded again, and he smiled. "But is that really enough?"

"What else is there?" She thought for a moment, opening her mouth to speak but failing to find the words. "Exactly. You're going to get past this, sis. I promise." He told her, and she smiled and hugged him again.

"I'm going to miss being around here so much," She sighed, looking around the domain. "It's all I've ever really known."

"And we're all going to miss you too." He said, grabbing her bag from the ground. "You can visit whenever, though. This place will always be your home. And Link and Zelda and I will always be happy to come over and bother you." They both laughed, and he began leading her back down the hall. "Come on. We don't want you to be tired before your big day."


The next one is the wedding!

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