Chapter 16 - Cheers!

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"Alright, everything looks great!" You smiled as the large cake was wheeled past you, along with a large tray of glasses. "Since the party's all ready now, I need you to go get the kids, and I'll be waiting down here with everyone else, okay?"

"Alright!" Sidon hurried off to find your children, and you went to greet your brother and sister in law at the entrance of the domain. "Zippora! Zuko!"

"I'm ready!" Zuko stepped out of his room, Link right behind him holding his glass of water. "Year after year, I'm always dressed and ready way before Zippora."

"Oh, shush," Zippora said as she opened her door just across the hall, and Zelda walked out with her earrings in her hands. "Is it really wrong I want to look nice for my birthday? Especially my twenty-first?"

"I look perfectly fine and I didn't take as long as you do. Even when we were younger."

"Perfectly fine? Now, even that's a bit of a stretch, Zuzu..."

"Hey!" Zuko snapped, and Zippora and Zelda started laughing. Zippora put her earrings on, and Sidon chuckled and shook his head.

"Now, now, children, let's be nice." He winked at Zippora, who smiled as she glanced over at Zuko. "Come on. Everyone's waiting for you."

"Yea, sis," Zuko put his hand on Zippora's shoulder as they started walking. "Dad's right. Let's be kind to one another, alright?" Zippora sighed and nodded, and Zuko smiled. "We can admit, I look fine, and you look like a hotfooted frog."

Zippora snorted and shoved him, only for him to throw his arm over her shoulders and rustle her hair. Sidon smiled as he looked back at them, his younger two hurrying up ahead of him to find you downstairs.

"Mom! We're here!" Your son called as he leaned over the balcony, spotting you below with your siblings. "Come on, Zel!" He rushed to the bottom with his sister, and you waved up to Sidon once you could see him.

"Already twenty-one, gods, are we that old?" Link folded his arms, and you and Chrystal both looked at each other before glancing back at him, lips thinned. "Well, really, Chrys's kid is already thirty three, so-"

"Stop it! I don't wanna be reminded!" Chrystal covered her ears, and you and Link snorted, looking over at his sons by the waterfalls. Rhoam and Casper, the princes of Hyrule. Rhoam was the same age as your youngest children, while Casper was hardly eight years old. "I know I'm old, but no need to rub it in my face."

"Psshh, I'm older than all three of you combined," Sidon walked in, slithering his arm around your waist as he joined your side. "In fact, I've lost count of how many years old I am."

"Oh! Grandpa Dorephan told us he remembered!" Zelda perked up, standing right beside her father. "He said that you're-" Sidon covered her mouth with his hand, glancing down at her.

"And I'm much better off not knowing." You laughed, though the moment was cut off quickly by your eldest two finally getting downstairs. "There they are!"

"Mother!" Zippora ran over to you, hugging you as soon as she was close enough, and you squeezed her tight. "I'm happy you could make it back on time."

"I'm glad I could too. I wasn't about to miss my eldest two's twenty first. It's a big one." You smiled, rustling Zuko's hair once he was beside his sister. "Now come on. Let's get this party started!" You led your kids over to the cake, your siblings and husband following. "Everyone! Come here!"

"Alright, ready?" Sidon asked once all the family and friends were surrounding the cake, and they all nodded. "One, two, three-"

"Wait!" Ranveer rushed into the domain, with a big bouquet of flowers in his arms. "I'm sorry I'm late!" He handed the flowers to Zippora and kissed her cheek, "Happy birthday, dear."

"Thank you, Vee." She smiled, and he stepped aside to stand beside Zuko's girlfriend Maika, and Zelda and Link. "Sorry, father, continue." Sidon cleared his throat and restarted.

"One, two, three! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Zippora and Zuko, happy birthday to youuu."

Zippora and Zuko blew out all the candles on the three tier cake, and everyone began clapping. Zuko handed his sister the knife, who sliced it into the cake and cut out a piece. She gave it to him, and then he cut one for her, before they started handing it out.

Maika handed Zuko a bottle of Noble Pursuit, which he poured into two glasses for him and Zippora.

"Cheers!" Their glasses clinked, and they both downed their first sip. You and Sidon were poured glasses of wine by Chrystal, and the younger 'adults' had glasses of apple cider. The little ones were all served apple juice.


4 more! All of these last ones will come out pretty much back to back so it won't be much longer!

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