Chapter 1 : Laozi Is A Baby Now

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A/N~~: The sentences in Italic express Li Wei's internal thoughts. Please read prologue before starting Chapter 1.

Li Wei opened his eyes. He was feeling extremely hungry.

Oh wait... Didn't he die? How could he open his eyes then? As far as he knows, the dead can't move, talk or express opinions!

Wait... He seemed to have gone to some space. What are these weird unknown memories in his mind?

Oh shit. Li Wei was so hungry that he neither could think nor could he find any strength to move.

Dareka tasukete!

*Somebody help me lol.

He tried opening his mouth to call for help but all that came from his mouth was-

Muffled cries of a baby?

Holy shi-

He heard a gentle and euphonious male voice speaking to him,

"Is baby awake? Hungry? Or did you poop again?"

Unexpectedly, the word 'poop' also sounded extremely nice in this gentle voice. He had never heard someone pronounce 'poop' so beautifully.

Wait! I'm focusing on the wrong thing!

Ba-ba-baby? Baby who? Me?

Could it be... Could it be this is what they call- afterlife?

Well, screw afterlife! Hot men where?!?

Damn I'm hungry!

Li Wei felt himself crying in a muffled baby voice when the owner of the gentle voice picked him up and...

Gently pushed something similar to a baby feeder in his mouth?

This must be one of the most embarrassing moments in his life!

Wait... I seem to be... too small? Am I really a baby? Even if I'm a baby, am I cute?

He looked at the gentle person while sucking on the feeder.

Oh my mother! Beautiful emerald green eyes, pale blond hair, pointy ears, milky skin... An elf? Is this person Archangel Jophiel??? (Angel of beauty) What's with this beautiful creature?!?!? 99 points!

Oh wait... I seem to know this person! Isn't this person from those memories I got in that space?!?

"He's awake?"

Li Wei heard a masculine and husky voice say.

"Can I carry him?"

By then, he was done sucking... I mean drinking milk. The owner of the gentle voice replied in the affirmative and let the owner of the masculine voice carry him.

Li Wei's eyes almost popped out when he saw the man.

Where the heck did this astonishingly handsome yet cold beauty come from? Platinum white hair, beautiful ruby eyes, pale skin... His expression looks a bit stiff so 95 points!

"He's too small. He's smaller than Sei when he was born." The man who was carrying him said.

"It was an unexpected accident which caused him to be born prematurely. Please don't feel guilty, Lan. No one knew that this would happen. Fortunately, me, Sei and this little one... All are okay."

"Aerin... This was a mistake on my part. I promise, this won't happen again. I wonder who is so presumptuous enough to hurt my family, my people, in my own territory.

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