About Omegaverse

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The details of omegaverse differ depending on the novel. As usual, there are three sub genders here. Alpha (α), Beta (β) and Omega (Ω). 

Alpha (α) : Alphas are considered the most superior ones. They are rare. 4 in 100 are Alphas. They usually have an extraordinarily strong physique. Alphas rut occurs once in a year, which lasts for a week. Their pheromones are usually suppressive and have faint flavour to it. Dominating alphas can suppress the weaker ones with their aura and pheromones. Female Alphas are usually weaker than the Male ones.

Alphas can impregnate omegas. Male Alphas can also impregnate female Alphas, but the chances are rare in this case.

Beta (β) : Betas are common people like us. Usually, they're physically weaker than alphas but definitely stronger than omegas by 10x. They don't produce pheromones, but they can feel them. Though, pheromones have no effect on them. Only a male beta and female beta can produce children by copulating.

Omega (Ω) : Omegas are the rarest of all. 1 in a 100 is an omega. In the past, they were treated wrongly. Now, they are treasured due to their rarity and other reasons (Exceptions are some filthy nobles and disgusting individuals who treat omegas like trash). Omegas have heat once every three months, which usually lasts 3 to 5 days, sometimes a week. Their pheromones can have different flavors in different levels depending on the individual omega. Dominant omegas are more exceptional than ordinary ones.

Female omegas mostly have higher fertility than the male ones. They can get pregnant by an alpha and give birth to children.

Marking : An alpha can mark multiple omegas in their lives (only a scum marks multiple omegas, though). While an omega can mark a single alpha in their life (if the alpha allows that is). A marked omega can't live without their alpha and usually yearns for them. If a marked omega is separated from their alpha for a long time, they become miserable and eventually die. There are methods to remove a mark, but it is considered illegal to do so.

Mutual Pairing : An alpha and an omega can mutually mark each other. While the omega is in heat, the alpha forms a knot inside them.  Then they bond and mutually bite each others neck where their glands reside and exchange their blood with a kiss. Thus, they form a pair.

A mutual pair can't be affected by others' pheromone (as in a sexual way, they can still oppress others with their pheromones, though) and vice versa. However, they can smell others' pheromone. The same goes for other alphas and omegas, too.

Mutual pairing is considered romantic and the ultimate promise one can give in a relationship (Egoistic Alphas consider it foolish). All omegas yearn for an alpha who would mutually pair with them.

A mutual pair can only be with one another for the rest of their life. If someones pair dies untimely, they would become miserable for the rest of their life. Party due to their feelings, party due to the bond. They usually become physically and emotionally weak. Which is why alphas don't consider pairing with their omegas and only mark them (cause they don't wanna be miserable!). If the alpha of the marked omega dies, then the omega would be miserable for their life (but most alphas don't care).

Suppressor : It can be used to suppress the heat of an omega and the rut of an alpha.

* At the age of 15 or so, one will differentiate into their own sub gender. However, in most cases, one can predict what sub gender one might be through their physique, sensitivity to pheromone, etc.

Everyone is usually born with a gland. While Omegas have half developed glands, Betas gland stops developing by the age of 3 to 4.(means they have undeveloped glands) and alpha glands fully develop by the age of differentiating.

* Nesting - This is a cute thing usually pregnant omegas do. It is kind of like ordinary nesting. Omegas collect things with their alphas' pheromone and create a cute little nest.

Reminder : Omegas are treated preciously except for some rare cases. So above mentioned stuffs are just the consequences of some happenings.

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