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Thanks for reading!!

Kandace's POV

I'm a little concerned... this random young man appears in the middle of the tavern? I could barely hear what he was saying since I was too focused on his appearance. He had spikey blonde hair and red eyes. He was also shirtless with a big tattoo on his left bicep. Despite it being spring, he wore long baggy pants and furry calf-lengthed boots. Not the mention all of the exotic jewelry around his neck. I'm assuming that he isn't from anywhere around here.

He seems to know Shouto and they stepped away for a bit but I try to mind my own business. I just wanted to spend a little more alone time with him...

A few more moments pass and I see them exit the tavern but not before Shouto turns to me and holds up his index finger. Indicating that he'd be back in a minute.

Maybe the boy was a friend? Or maybe a debt collector!? OR A HITMAN!?!?!

3rd person POV

Todoroki stepped out with the blonde stranger and was greeted by Midoriya who had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot.

"You snuck off again Tod-mmph!!!!" Todoroki covered his knights mouth with his hand.

"Don't call me by my surname while we're here..."

"Why are we out here at all?!? You know the King will have both our corpses on silver platters if he finds out you left!!!"

Midoriya's scold went in one ear and out the other.

"Couldn't you have left me alone for a bit longer? And you sent him after me? Who even is he?" Todoroki asked, pointing to the stranger with the sharp tongue.

"Bakugou Kac...Katsuki. He instructs the knight training sessions. He's not from here."

"Where I'm from, I used to be a dragon tamer!" Katsuki mentioned.

"Yes, very exciting, now why do you keep sneaking out here Shouto??"

"Trying to get under that girls dress by the looks of it."

*2 minutes into knowing this guy and I already hate him...*

Todoroki moved closer to the two boys and lowered his voice a little.

"She's...the girl I told you about the first time I came here. I just wanted to see her again." He answered sheepishly. Midoriya understood but remainded curious.

"Oh, are you attempting to court her?" This made Todoroki pink with embarrassment.

"N-No of course not...Can't you leave me alone for a little while longer? Bakugou can escort me home later." Katsuki curled his lips in disgust.

"No way in hell am I third wheeling your stupid date."

"You're going to have to deal with it. Luckily, The King won't be back for some time, so you have a while." Midoriya stated, placing his hands on his hips. The Prince smiled giddly, he almost didn't even mind Bakugou coming along with them.


"Oh, Shouto! And...?" Todoroki had come back into the tavern where Kandace now stood by the door. Bakugou tailed behind him with his arms crossed.

"His name is Bakugou, he's coming with us. It will be okay though, you won't even know he's here." He said with emphasis.

"That's fine! Now come on, I have so many places to show you!" She rushed out the door with both Todoroki's and Bakugou's wrists in her hands.

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now