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Kandace blushed madly at the sudden attention. How did the Prince know her name? Ochaco and Mina couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

"Y-Yes?" She asked.

"How did you get here? " Todoroki took a few steps forward, the two were a few inches apart now.

"Did…you come to see me?" He seized her hand in his own and raised it to his lips. The girls we're grinning ear to ear waiting suspensefully. Stopping midway through, he noticed her uncomfortable expression.

Todoroki's POV

When I took her hand in mine, I was planning on giving her delicate skin a gentle kiss. But I noticed she looked really anxious. Her hand was also a bit clammy. Is she not used to this sort of affection? I found it hard to belive she hasn't been propositioned by other guys before.

"Kandace are y-" the sudden realization hit me like a punch in the stomach.

She doesn't recognize me.

When I went into the village last week, I was in disguise. How dense could I be?

"I'm sorry, " I began to apologize "you-you just looked like…someone I knew."

"R-Right…" she answered, pulling her hand away. My second impression on her, she doesn't even know it is me and and I made her uncomfortable.


"Well then I'll be on my way, farewell." I have a quick bow then exited. I wonder if she'll go back to the village today… I head off to the washroom to ready my disguise.

Kandace's POV

I'm still standing in the middle of this large hallway with a bewildered expression plastered on my face. The Prince, heir to the throne of this country…knew my name?

"whAT WAS THAT ABOUT?!?!" Mina and Ochaco ask me.

"I have no idea!" I answer, sweat dropping. "I swear we've never previously met!"

O: Maybe the Queen told him about us!
M: Then why did he not speak with either of us?
O: I had to have been love at first sight!!
M: You must be right! How romantic!!

They kept making up weird explanations, none of them making any sense. These girls sure are imaginative…

"I guess it was just a creepy coincidence." I suggest. The two shrug it off but continue to giggle and murmur.

We all begin to make way for the exit. Another carriage will take us to our homes so we can prepare to move into the castle!

Very short chapter, I am sorry :'D

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now