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"SHOOOTOOOOO!!!!" Endeavor's voice echoed through the halls of the grand castle. Todoroki's monotoned hair almost swayed with he force of his voice.

"I don't know wether I should plugging my ears or my nose..." Todoroki mouthed quietly.

"Dont back talk me, Shoto. You know full well that you shouldn't be beyond the castle walls, " he paced past his son onto his knight, Midoriya who was standing right behind him.

" especially not without the company of your knight! I what do you think I appointed him for?"

"Fun?" He remarked again. Enji sighed.

"Just don't leave this castle without your knight, understood?"

Todoroki gave in this time around


"Good, you should head off to your room now, it's late." With this, Enji turned and headed in the opposition direction toward his and the queens bedroom.


"He acts like I'm still 13…"

"He just wants you to be safe, I'd be the same way if I were him!"

Todoroki rolled his eyes. He sat on his bed in night clothes. His right blue contact lense gone and red hair dye washed out to reveal his true appearance. His room was quite large, as expected of someone from the royale family. It had it's own wash room and large windows.

All memebers of the royal staff, from court herbalists to ladies in waiting, all had rooms or shared rooms under the castle roof. Midoriya's room was on the opposing side of the hallway that Todoroki's was. It was smaller but still luxurious.

"I should have disguised myself with mothers features instead…" He regretted.

"You shouldn't have been in that villiage at all! What if the stranger you ran into was an assassin? A mugger? A spy perhaps?" Midoriya was paranoid with Todoroki's safety since he began his position as knight (which is mostly why Enji hired him).

"Kandace was far from any of those things." He flushed slightly, remembering his afternoon. Midoriya was oblivious to this of course.

"You just got lucky. Why don't we stay in the castle tomorrow? It'll be safe AND fun!"

"I've stayed safe in this place for 19 years, the funnest I've had was getting soba for lunch everyday." Midoriya giggled.

"Well, the queen is recruiting new castle staff members soon? Maybe we can make some new friends!"

Todoroki flopped back on his bed with his usual unamused expression.

"Sure." Was all he muttered. Walking away from the chair that was placed next the bed, Midoriya was on his way our to his own room but stopped abruptly.

"I'm sorry, Todoroki…"

"It's fine. It isn't your fault."

"Hm." He hummed. "Goodnight!"



Another boring chapter I'm sorry :')

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