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💮~°Longer chapter to make up for my laziness 🤪🤪°~💮

Early into the morning, only around 11, Kandace was in her room at her soon to be sold cottage. Most of her things were packed and ready to be moved. Essentials like toiletries, clothes, gardening items and tools, and some miscellaneous things.

Though Kandace was eager to be apart of the castle staff,  she was very hesitant when getting ready to leave. A bit of doubt mixed with anxiety. She then remembered how elated her mom was when she found out she got the job.


"Oh my goodness I can't believe MY BABY got a job working at the castle!! There ROYAL castle!" Celeste exclaimed.

"There's only one kind of castle mother... "

"I can't wait to tell the neighbors at my new place that MY daughter it's working for royalty!!!!"


She would have told her more, like about the 2 girls she'd met or the prince situation. Celeste knowing probably would have made things more crazy… Kandace also made sure she had a way to communicate with her mother, via the mail system. Alot of the castle employees used it send letters back and forth to their families and she was going to do just that.

Kandace thought about going into the village for her last day. The weather was nice and there were only a few weeks left in spring before summer came.

Leaving her cottage, she thought of the first place she should go…

°Todoroki's POV°

I know I shouldn't be away from the castle again but I couldn't resist. I would have brought Midoriya along but he has knight training for most of the afternoon. Since he is new, his training was reasonably extensive and time consuming.

It's kind of for the best that he didn't come anyways…

Kandace has to be in the village since I saw her and the other 2 girls leave the castle in a carriage earlier. Hopefully she'll still be out so I can see her.


I left the castle without a hitch. I made sure to wash myself and disguise as best as I could.

Entering the village, I had a difficult time spotting her but when I did I was…nervous? I'm probably still shaken up from the castle situation. I just hope she won't recognize me.

°3rd person POV°

"Do you like flowers?" A voice spoke. A familiar brown haired girl was at the flower stand admiring the variety.

As if instinct, Kandace answered the question immediately.

"Yes, I love them! Their colors, their smell their- Shouto…?"

While she went off on a tangent, she turned to face the source of the voice. Todoroki gave her a soft smile.

"Shouto!!!" Kandace threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged her back and after a couple seconds they parted.

"It's a been a bit." He stated.

"It has! And I've got so much to tell you!" Todoroki smiled again, angling his head down.

"Here" He took her wrist in his hand and began walking, just as she did when they first met.


Just like before, the pair sat in the tavern and talked. Kandace told Todoroki all about her mother moving to the city, her getting a job at the castle and her hunt for a job prior. He was surprised for tbe most part since he was unaware of her moving. He had to act through the rest though…

"…And then at the castle…the weirdest thing happened." Kandace began. Shouto froze and sweat dropped, knowing exactly what she was going to talk about.

"W-What was it…?" He swallowed.

"It was the Prince! He knew my name somehow… it still bugs me a little but I'm just going to let it go."

"Oh, that IS weird."

"Yea… but what about you? I've been talking about myself this entire time." Kandace blushed while resting her head in her hands. Todoroki didn't have much to talk about, commoner or royalty.

"Well, not much to be honest. I…" he shifted his gaze from the table to her. 

"I missed you. I don't have many friends either so I was kind of looking for you…" Kandace blushed profusely. She was flattered that he bothered to think of her at all. They did only meet one time.

"Awww,  Shouchan!-" just as she was about to rest her hands on his, a rather tall boy with spiky ash blonde hair appeared upon the table abruptly.

"C'mon "prince". You've gotta go home or Deku'll wet himself." The stranger spoke.

Kandace practically didn't hear the "Prince" part. She was mostly concerned and confused as to want a half naked teenage boy was standing at their table.

"…Are you talking to me?" Todoroki asked.

"You see any other princes around here? I said let's go." With this, the ash blonde man handled Todoroki's arm and almost dragged him out of the tavern until he was stopped midway.

"Look, " he pulled his arm away aggressively.

"I don't know who the hell you are but if my father sent you, tell him I'll be there soon.- Also would you mind not calling me 'prince' while your here?"

"Hell, I shouldn't even be calling you that, your ass doesn't even look how Deku described you, but you're close enough." The stranger remarked.

"Deku?" Todoroki asked.

"Yea…the kid with the green hair and freckles…"

"Midoriya is here to?!?!"

"Yes? God you're a dumbass, did your hear what I just said?"

Todoroki looked back at the table where Kandace was. She sat there and played with her fingers, trying to mind her own business. He was worried that she might get bored.

This is going to be a long day…

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now