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Now that I'm thinking about it....he really *does* look familiar... he is the Prince. But still... Kandace thought. She was in the middle of changing the last bunch of flowers that sat in a tan vase on a table in her bedroom corridor. It was the table in between hers and another castle members rooms. She read the name plate again and the kanji said "Midoriya". She wondered who they were. Finally she added some fresh room temperature water to the vase to complete her task.

Now it was 12:30 pm exactly so she decided to freshen up for lunch.

🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥

"Not bad "Shouto" " Bakugou teased.

"You did great Todoroki!" Midoriya praised.

"Dont praise him, he's just getting started. He can barely hold up against me and I was going easy on him!"

"Funny, I was doing the same with you.." Todoroki replied. Before Bakugou could retaliate, Midoriya interrupted and praised Todoroki one more time to cool the mood.

"Why am I training with you of all people anyway. I thought you did knight training." Todoroki asked.

"Technically I do dragon taming. This job is so beneath me.."

*not what I asked...*

"What time is it?" The Prince asked. Bakugou answered, telling him it was around 12:30 pm.

Midoriya pushed the backs of the two taller boys in the direction of the exit.

"Time for lunch!"


The three boys walked together to the castle kitchen after washing up to get some food.

"I'm surprised you aren't rushing off to the village today, Todoroki." Midoriya commented.

"He only went for that flower girl."

"Her name is Kandace. And she works in the castle now so I have no reason to be in the village." Todoroki explained.

"Wow..that must be frustrating."

"It is...how am I even supposed to talk to her now? My disguise has no purpose here and she has no idea who I am."

"Then just tell her who you are dumbass..jeez...why do I have to listen to your stupid problems when they're so easily fixable!"

"You could leave."

"And starve? I gotta eat. "


Midoriya placed himself in the middle to the two before anything could breakout.

"He has a point Todoroki, why don't you just confess?"

"What if she gets upset with me? Or if she treats me differently? Then I'd get nowhere. I'd be going backwards if anything."

"I guess you're right..."

After all of the talking, the trio were already at the kitchen.

The royalty and higher ups of the cattle are aloud to pick and choose what they want to eat. Bakugou always went for spicy food and Midoriya always went for anything with pork in it.

Todoroki would always wonder off to the lower employee table where all of the cheaper food was. Kandace was there at the same moment he was and coincidentally reached for the same thing as him. Soba. Except hers was piping hot.

She even likes the same food as me...

Todoroki thought. He couldn't help but blush a little. Kandace paid him no mind and exited the kitchen to go have her lunch.

Everyday the same routine would happen. Todoroki and Kandace would grab the same dish from different pots to have at lunch time.

Upon some inspection, he found out that she also ate her food outside just like he did. She ate in the gardens and he ate on his bedroom balcony. The good thing was that he had the perfect view from his balcony as well. She faced left on a bench surrounded by flowers almost as beautiful as she was.

"You're stalking her now? Pathetic." Bakugou suddenly appeared behind Todoroki as he was eating.

"How the hell did you even get in here.."

"Deku let me in." He replied.


"Me!" Midoriya was also there and walked up to where Todoroki was sitting.

"Deku... what a cute pet name.."

"SHUT UP!" Bakugou yelled. Apparently it was loud enough for Kandace to hear. She picked up her head and looked around. Todoroki noticed this and shushed him.


Midoriya smiled nervously.

"With all respect Todoroki... this is kind of sad... You should just tell Kandace the truth. It's been a few weeks since she's started working here and you haven't said a word!"

"Hah, even your knights scolding you!"

While Bakugou laughed, Todoroki thought about what Midoriya said. He was so torn about the whole thing. He knew telling her would change their relationship, but at the same time he felt as if she deserved to know.

"I will." Todoroki stated plainly. Bakugous laughing haulted and he rested an arm on his shoulder.

"You'd better..."

"You care all of a sudden?"

"W-NO! I'm just tired of of hearing your petty ass whining!" He growled. Todoroki had to think of the right time and manner to tell Kandace...


SO MANY ELPISES IN THIS CHAPTER SHSNSM im sorry if they're annoying- idk any other way to convey short or long pauses. Thanks for reading and happy Pride Month! Xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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