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Far after Kandace had left Todoroki, she and her mother entered their small cottage. Boxes and chests were strewn across the floor of the living room by the entrance and the kitchen that was placed next to it. In addition, pieces of furtinure were missing from little tables and counters all around. This never cought Kandaces eye since she was too busy day dreaming about the lovely day she'd just had.

"There is stew with vegetables in the pot over the fireplace, Kandace." Celeste mentioned.

"Oh I'm not all that hungry." Her mother hummed in approval.

"So, that boy you were with today?"

"Mother!" Kandace flushed.

"Well I'm sorry! I just want to know what he was like. He was quite handsome might I add, don't you agree?" Celeste pried. Kandace threw her head into her hands and groaned as a response.

"Was he polite? Well mannered? He seemed well groomed, too!"

"Yes and yes..." she mumbled. While attempting to ignore the questions her mother asked, a box next to Kandaces feet caught her eye. Then she picked up her head to see a dozen more boxes.

"Mom? What are all these boxes here for? " she got up from the rocking chair she sat on and walked around the living room.

"Oh, well... I am planning to move."

to move!?!

"Moving?! Why didnt you mention this to me before!" Kandace asked in frustration mixed with sadness.

"I didn't think you'd care! You don't work and you have no friends here." Celeste mentioned.

"I have friends! In the garden? The forest?"

"Flowers, succulents and animals don't qualify as friends sweetheart, " she continued "either way it has already been set in motion, I have a carriage scheduled to take us to our new home on Monday."

This meant that Kandace had four days left in the only home she'd ever known. What about all the plants and animals she regularly attended to? And her new friend? Sure he lived in the next village over but she could still visit him right?

"...Where are we moving to anyway?" Celestes attitude suddenly brightened.

"Oh, it is a wonderful town! Far bigger than this one. There are even bigger townhouses!" Celeste mostly wanted to move for the living space upgrade. She owned a small business as a women's tailor for the village. She made intricate dresses, corsets, veils, gloves and much more. A bigger house was equivalent to more storage space.

Kandace was disappointed to hear that she wouldn't be moving somewhere within the kingdom which meant she'd never be able to see her new friend ever again. But she remembered something that her mother had just said.

*you don't work and you have no friend here*

*you don't work*

"Well mother, what of I got a job...?"

Both remained silent.

"If I made enough money then I could stay here on my own!" Celeste considered the possibility. Kandace was 18, far past the age to fend for herself. Cookingand cleanimg were no issue for her. She looked at her mother with motivation in her eyes.

"To be honest...you can do whatever you please. You don't need to come with me of you don't want to, " she sighed. "But the fact of the matter is that I already sold this cottage. You would need to find another place to stay."

"R-Right!" Kandace was visibly was nervous. Living on her own was harder than it had sounded in her head. What kind of job would she even get? And would it pay enough to cover the cost of living?

"B-But I'll think about it. I do still have four days."

"Of course honey, good luck." Celeste walked forth and have her only daughter a kiss on the forehead.

"You should had to bed now." She suggested.

"Right, " Kandace answered. "I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart, sleep well."

Celeste was actually quite uneasy. How was Kandace spay to get a job with little to no work experience? Where would she live? She decided to put these thoughts to rest and had to her bedroom for some much needed slumber.

I swear the boring stuff will be over soon 😃

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now