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It was a warm day in spring. The bright sun shone in the blue sky and through the cotton white clouds onto the village below.

Due to the warm weather, citizens flocked outside like pigeons. All kinds of people. Parents with their children, shop owners, and just regular folk enjoying the vigorous energy of the busy village.

But today a special guest walked amongst the villagers. In disguise was the fine Prince of the fair country. Normally he appeared well fit and tidy, but to conceal his identity he wore normal commoner clothing. Prince or not he was still quite attractive. A pair of turquoise blue eyes that anyone could get lost in, and a full head of maroonish red hair that effortlessly swayed with the direction if the wind.

Technically the Prince was not able to walk upon the village, let alone without the knight that was appointed to him. Although his knight was on the scrawny side with curly green and and emerald eyes, he stood by the princes side always. They became very good friends throughout the time they were together, and usually they were inseparable. But today the Prince was able to sneak off and wonder to wherever he pleased.

He roamed around finding small things of interest in particular but nothing that caught his eye.


"Oh my goodness! My greatest apologies sir!" Exclaimed a feminine voice. She bowed as another symbol of apology.

"It's quite alright. I should have been watching where...I...was..." The disguised Prince trailed off. Her bow was slowly raised to reveal her appearance.

The Prince had stumbled upon a beautiful maiden.

Her hair like smooth chocolate and her eyes blue like the ocean. Brown freckles danced across a pale face and exposed shoulders. Although her skin was pale, large pink marks lay on her cheeks and shoulders. To add to her regal appearance, in her hair were peony flowers of different sizes and it was down with two small braids tied behind her head. Finally, she wore a long warm grey dress that hit the ground. Her arms were clad with small sleeves and her chest was well covered.

"Are you sure you're not injured? I can take tou to the local infirmary if you'd like!" The maiden suggested.

The prince remained frozen, as if her was under a trance.

"H-Hello?" She waved her hand in front of his face since he seemed to not even be blinking. Finally he'd regained the power to speak again.

"Oh...no I asure you I'm fine, what about you?" He stared down at her with concern filled eyes.

"I am fine as well." She replied

You sure are... he thought.

The silence didn't last long when the girl decided to introduce herself.

"I'm called Kandace, by the way, " she added a polite curtsy.

"Right, and I'm called..." The prince was obviously well known by his surname, Todoroki. Hardly anyone knew is first name since it was considered disrespectful to call him by it. Only his parents and family members used the name casually.

"...Shouto." He didn't want to ruin the mood by blatantly mentioning he was royalty. She probably would have treated him different is she found out right? His lesser known name and disguise were his best bet at the moment.

The two sat in a silence for a couple seconds, Todoroki still slightly in shock.

"Well, I'd better be on my w-"

"Wait!" He stopped her tracks by holding his arm in her way.

"L-Let me take you somewhere!" He suggested quickly before she could say no.

"Oh, sure! Where are we going?" Kandace asked. Todoroki didn't really know his way around this village so he looked past her and spotted a small local tavern.

"There?" He pointed behind her. Kandaces eyes immediately lit up.

"Of course! Let's go!" She suddenly grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him in the other direction. Todoroki's cheeks were a light shade of pink from the contact.

Upon entering the small tavern, the pair found a place to sit and already started talking. After some conversation about eachothers interests, Kandace let her curiosity roam.

"So, do you live in the village?"

Crap Todoroki thought. Obviously he couldn't tell her that he was born and raised in the kingdoms castle.

"Y-Yes... I mean no!" She gave him a confused look.

"I-I live in the next village over. So I'm...new here." He fibbed.

"Oh I get it! Well I do live here. My cottage isn't too far from this tavern."

"Then maybe I could visit you some day~" Todoroki grinned. He earned a giggle in response.


The couple left the tavern after having their meal and now it was well into the evening and already starting to get dark.

"Dark already?" Kandace frowned and looked up at the sky. They didn't realize how much time they'd spent just talking.

"I guess so." Todoroki lowered his head and turned to face her and she did the same. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I-I really enjoyed today...with you." Kandace clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

"Aww! I enjoyed today with you as well! I don't really have any friends here in the village, so spending time with you was...great." She spoke genuinely, her expression softening as she looked up at him with her shiny blue orbs. This made Todoroki's heart skip a beat.

"Y-Yea..." He began "Maybe-"

"KANDACE!!" He was interrupted by the voice of a woman. She was walking at a fast past behind Kandace, seemingly trying to catch up. When she finally did, she spoke.

"Kandace you know it isn't safe to stay out after dark." The lady said.

"Right!" She sweatdropped. "I was just about to come home mother."


The two women did resemble eachother. Both had brown hair, freckles, and memorizing eyes, although Kandaces mothers eyes were more Hazel. She was obviously an older woman, but didn't have many features to make this present. Her attire was modest and common of village women. A deep brown, thick dress with a white apron and long sleeves.

"Who's this then?" Her mother asked.

"Right! Mother, this is Shouto." Kandace smiled.

"Hm. I am called Celeste." She curtsied.

"We'd better be going now. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"And you as well." Todoroki responded.

Celeste and Kandace walked off, presumably to their cottage for the night. Kandace craned her head back and gave Todoroki a small wave and smile before turning a corner and dissapearing.

All he could do was stand there and smile to himself.


AHAHAHAHAH FIRST CHAPTER DOWN if anyone ends up finding this I hope you enjoyed that :D it was really fun to write :')

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now