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Another early spring morning sun rose high into the sky. The air was cool and the morning dew began to coat the greenery in the castle area.

In the castle gardens was a new staff member: Kandace! She had woken up at 5:00 am, cleaned up and adorned a simple light brown dress. It was shorter than most of the ones she owned, stopping mid-calf so that it would be easier for her to walk around in the thick bushes without tripping. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun with a sunflower clip to hold it up.

Kandaces first task as florist today was to replace all of the flowers that reside in the castle. Most of them were withered, dead or just dried out, sitting in old vases. She began by removing every flower she saw which took quite a while. After disposing of them she went to the garden to find out which flowers would look best with the castles interior color scheme....

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Meanwhile, Todoroki lay in his bed until around 9:00am. He sat up and stretched lightly, scratching his bed head. After finally getting up he started towards his balcony doors and opened them, taking in the fresh air. Walking forward and resting his elbows on the railing, he looked down at the beautiful castle gardens and noticed someone standing in them. Both their hair and outfit were brown and they seemed to be admiring the flowers. Todoroki didn't recognize them so he assumed they were a harmless intruder.

"May I help you?" He asked, slightly annoyed.

The figure turned around and looked up. Ocean blue stared into turquoise and grey.

"Kandace!?" he thought to himself. "I  hope I didn't come off too harsh..."

"Oh. I-I'm just the florist! The new one I-I mean...I'm so sorry if I disturbed you, your majesty!"

Todoroki had remembered her telling him about her new castle job. She just never told him her position. He tried answering as calmly as he could.

"N-No you weren't! Don't worry about it."

Kandace was surprised how fast his demeanor changed.

"Oh, okay...well have a good rest of your morning!" She bowed politely and went on with her duties.

Todoroki wanted to ask her to spend some time with him but of course she'd be suspicious. He realized that he might have to rebuild their friendship. Kandace technically doesn't know "Prince Todoroki" since she only knows Shouto. She might be skeptical of his motives for talking to her. He hardly knows her to begin with...

Todoroki decided to drop the subject for now and get washed up to start his day off.

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"Hey Kandace!!" Two girls shouted in unison. Uraraka and Ashido were running down the kitchen corridor, waving their arms around.

"Oh my gosh you guys look adorable!!!" Kandace gushed.

"Dont we!" Ashido started. They had been wearing their new castle lady in waiting uniforms which were basically maid uniforms.

"The castles kitchen is huge! Its bigger than my entire house!" Uraraka finished.

Kandacd giggled.
"What have you guys done so far?"

"We've just finished tidying around the throne room, the upper towers and corridors and the lavatories." Ashido counted on her fingers.

"Now we're onto the middle floors! So many rooms..."

"Wow you both work fast! And its only 11:00 am..."

"Well what have you been doing, Kandace?"

"I'm almost finished replacing all of the flowers in the castle!"

"Woah, all of them?" Both girls asked.

"Yup! I'm pretty sure I've gotten to them all except the ones in the bedroom corridors."

"Ooo, thats where the Prince is!~" Uraraka snickered.

Ashido laid her arm around Kandaces shoulders wearing a smug look.

"Speaking of the Prince~ have you two made anymore connections since last you two met?~"

"Wha---- of course not! I'm sure the name thing was just a freaky coincidence! He does look a little familiar though..."

"Maybe you guys were married in a past life!" Uraraka suggested. This comment sent Kandacd into a blushing frenzy, jolting away from Ashido's grasp and waving her arms around.

"N-Nope! Just a coincidence haha! I-I should be on my way now! See you two later!" With that she walked in the opposite direction in a stiff manner.

Both girls smiled smugly at eachother and resumed their duties.

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Another uneventful chapter im sorry 🙏🏽 I'm just having fun at this point. I'll be introducing other characters pretty soon though! Also I plan on updating tomorrow if I remember! Thanks for reading! Xoxo

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now