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This morning was far different from the other mornings had in the Kingdoms first villiage district. Instead of paper white clouds and azure blue skies, the sky was sullen and grey. The clouds were all wisped together and barely distinctive. Although it was late spring, the air was chilly and much more violent.

Kandace was among the few villagers that were out today. She wore a thicker dress with long sleeves instead of short.  Her brown hair fell over her shoulders to keep her neck warm and in her hair today was a large coneflower.

Today was the day Kandace would search for a job. She now only had 3 days to do so. With little to no experience and not many connections, it was difficult to find something she'd enjoy and make a decent profit off of.

On the other hand, if her mother hadn't decided to move, she wouldn't need to get a job yet. Some offers had stumbled upon her by locals that were looking for more employees.

Most of the offers were reason able and modest.


* A man standing in front of the print shop held an "in need of help" sign in his hands. Kandace wasn't particularly great with desperate people. If someone were in need of help, no matter how trivial it was, she'd normally help them without hesitation. Even if it costed her own precious time or was an inconvenience to her. "Resist" wasn't a word in her vocabulary.

She tried her hardest to walk past the man without making eye contact. Suddenly the printer man began stepping away from the shop in the direction Kandace was going. First slowly then much faster.

"…" The man didn't speak but he emphasized the sign he held in his hands.

Kandace mustered all of her strength and compiled her words.

"N-No thank you!" This made the printer man frown in response. Another one of her weaknesses. She frantically waved her hands around, shouting in defense.

"I'm so sorry!! I-I'll think about it! Promise!" The printer man's frown rotated into a smile and he nodded vigorously, as to say "thank you". Kandace finally walked away, exhausted.

*maybe moving away won't be so bad…*


Other offers definitely weren't up her alley at all, but the encounter she had worked out in her favor in the end…


*"None of these jobs seem too interesting…"

Kandace continued to walk until she reached a crate that sat in front of a gentlmens club. Of course she hadn't looked at the name of the place or else she wouldn't have rested there…

She sat on the crate carefully to rest her feet until a door behind her opened suddenly. Standing there was a woman that looked to be in her mid twenties wearing nothing but a long furry robe and tall heels. Her long dark blue hair fell over her shoulders and down her back. The woman's mesmerizing light blue orbs noticed Kandace sitting and eyed her down. Kandace could feel herself being stared at, instead of daring to look behind her she just stood up and prepared to leave. After dusting off her dress she was about to head off until she was stopped in her tracks by the woman staring at her previously.


*why can't the people on this side of the village speak!?*

"U-Um…hello! Can-Can I help you?" Kandaced asked.

"You certainly can~" The womans voice was like silk, making Kandace blush. She had only just now noticed the random womans get up.

*isn't she cold?*

"Nemuri Kayama." The mysterious woman introduced while holding her well groomed hand out.

"K-Kandace!" She stuttered taking Nemuri's hand. While their hands remained clasped, Nemuri used this time to grab her other hand and hold them up, getting a better look at Kandace's figure. She even leaned her face in close to Kandace's for a better look. She tried her best to avoid direct eye contact.

This made Kandace uncomfortable to say the least. She flushed hysterically. Before she could rip her hands away and speak, Nemuri did so first.

"Can you dance?" She asked.

"A-A little…I guess? "

"Your frame is incredible! If you can dance like you mentioned, you'd make a great entertainer at my gentlemen's club~"

Kandace froze.


Kandace pulled her hands away quickly and became even more red somehow.

"U-um I think you have the wrong idea! I-I am looking for jobs b-but-" Nemuri interrupted her.

"Perfect! We were looking for new ladies to work here. You look like you would be a natural, and it pays well~"

At this point, Kandace's pale skin wasn't even visible through bright red blush. "No" is of course what she wanted to say more than anything, but that would be rude. She came up with an excuse.

"W-Well… I'm o-only fifteen!-"

"Really? You look older…" Nemuri interrupted again, lifting a finger to her chin and resting the other hand on her hip. Kandace was eighteen in reality. Hopefully this lie would work for her.

"Yup! F-Far to young to be a g-gentlemen's entertainer… s-so…"

"Damn…that's a real bummer. In three or four years, come by here and reconsider maybe?"

"Yup!" Kandace smiled awkwardly and turned in the other direction and began walking off, eagerly. Nemuri stopped her once more.

"But hey, if you are still looking for a job then maybe this would interest you, "
Kandace was expecting some other suggestion of a provocative line of work but instead, Nemuri handed her what looked to be a flyer.

" I don't have any use for it."

She skimmed through it and picked out words that interested her the most.

*looking for work blah blah…in need of certain positions yea yea…*

It seemed to be a regular advertisment but the paper seemed thicker and shinier than normal. Then she read the top.

*Castle now hiring!*

"Castle jobs!" Kandace exclaimed with a bright smile on her face. She raised her head to see Nemuri smiling as well.

"Thank you!"

"My pleasure hon, get home safely~" she blew Kandace a kiss before heading back into the club, closing the door behind her.

"Kamisama…you work in mysterious ways…" she muttered while smiling to herself.

When she finally arrived back at her now half empty cottage, she ran to her room and grabbed blank paper, ink and a feather and began her application for the castle job she was interested in.


Progress! :D for anyone that didn't know, Kayama Nemuri is Midnight's real name. I wrote her description from memory so sorry if that was bad 😅 but we're getting somewhere I promise!

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now