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Friday afternoon rolled around with a warmer climate accompanied by a bright sun and cloudless sky.

Todoroki stayed cooped up in his bedroom, adhering to his fathers demand to stay inside.

Kandace was actually on her way to he castle to get a short tour from the Queen, Rei Todoroki. Her application as gardener had been accepted! Not only would she be a royal Florist, but she would also have a place to live since the castles staff live under the same roof as the royal family. Everything had been previously worked out with her mother who as continuing to prepare for the move. Of course they would miss eachother but both women agreed that this departure would be best for both of them.

A carriage was assigned by the Queen to take the potential new employees to the castle. Kandace was just on her way out the door in a look she was hoping would be nice enough for royalty. A simple cream colored dress that reached the ground with short sleeves. Her darker brown hair was done in a half updo held together by a brown Dahlia flower.

"Farewell mother!" She hailed. Celeste scurried over to her and bent over, giving her only daughter a hug.

"Ohh, goodbye sweetheart! I wish you the best of luck."

The two dispatched after another hug and Kandace now sat in a luxury carriage which unexpectedly had 2 people already in it.

One girl had hair almost like Kandaces except much shorter. Her eyes and hair were the same shade of brown and she wore a cheap looking dress that stopped mid-thigh. It was a dusty rose color and underneath it were black leggings. Her maroon boots and cloak contrasted well against eachother, an to top it off, she was only wearing one glove?

The other girl had an even more unusual appearance. Her skin was dark pink, and her hair a lighter pink. Her outfit looked to be half armor and half cloth littered with interesting patterns.

The new girls stared at Kandace as she entered the carriage. Not knowing how to react, she introduced herself nervously.

"Um, hello! I-Im Kandace…"

"What and odd name…"

"Yea! Never heard it before…" both girls responded. Had she already made a bad first impression on them?

"O-Oh well- " Kandace started until the Pink girl interrupted her.

"I'm Ashido Mina! And this is Uraraka Ochako." Mina motioned to the brown haired girl who gave Kandace a small wave, which she returned.

The carriage began it's route to the castle without a hitch and the girls sat in comfortable silence.


When the carriage arrived at the castle the girls got out and Ashido already wasn't able to stand still.

"Do you guys think we'll get to meet the prince!?" She asked

"Ahh!! I hope so!" Uraraka squealed.

The two gave Kandace a menacing glare. It's like she could hear what they were saying even though they weren't talking.

*we know you wanna meet the Prince too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)* Is what she got from their looks.

"I'm not really interested in the Prince to be honest…I'm wondering what the King and Queen are like!" Kandace claimed.

Ashido and Uraraka looked at eachother with blank faces.

Author-chan says: *I will use K, M, and O occasionally if I get lazy :D*

Anyways, the doors to the castle were grand. At least 10 feet high. They were immediately brought open to reveal Queen Rei Todoroki. Although she was am older lady, she looked radiant and youthful. Her eyes were dull grey in color but bright in sparkle. Hair, white as snow and voluminous despite her age.

"Welcome young ladies!" Rei announced.

"Your majesty." The girls said in unison while bowing.

"Come on in! I'll give you a mini tour of your working and living quarters."


A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now