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A young, thin boy was wandering around the village wisper shouting the name of his friend.

"Todoroki!!! Where are you?"

He had been looking around since he was chastised just this afternoon by the king himself.

"How could you let the Prince get away!? You're his knight! His protection! And my second pair of eyes." The king said with a scowl.

"My grandest of apologies Endevour-san! Todoroki was just right with me a moment ago! He's probably just outside the castle!" The knight suggested. Enji Todoroki was the King's real name. "Endeavor" was a name given to him by castle staff members because of his try hard personality.

"I was actually on my way to go look for him!" Endeavor pondered for a moment, beliving that his son hadn't gone far.

"Hmm...very well. Off with you now. Return the Prince to the castle at once."

"Yes, your majesty!"*

Only now it was far past the afternoon and well into darkness. The village was mostly empty with it's citizens turning in for the night. Of course the only boy that remained was Todoroki. He too was wandering around trying to find his way back to the castle.

"Todoroki there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" The knight came running up to the Prince, sighing in relief.

"Midoriya? Why are you out here?"

"I was looking for you! Now come on, let's get back to the castle. The King will have my head if I you're not there soon!"

"Whatever..." Todoroki sighed, not wanting to go back. The two turned around and began their walk to the castle.

"Now, why were *you* in this village, might I ask." Midoriya questioned.

"Dunno. I needed something to do. So I disguised myself and ran out here."

"Were you able to cure your boredom?"

"Yes actually, "Todoroki began to blush when he remembered what had just transpired. " I...I even met someone."

"Really? who?"

"...Her name was Kandace." He smiled.

"A maiden?"

"Yes! " Todoroki began excitedly. "The fairest I'd ever met. Her hair resembled coco, and her eyes were like clear marbles filled with bright blue ocean water..."

"Sh-" Midoriya began but was interrupted.

"And that's not all. She was very kind and she talked alot. When I'd compliment her she'd start stumbling over her words... " Todoroki smiled in amusement.

Once Midoriya was sure Todoroki had finished talking, he continued to speak.

"She sounds lovely."

Todoroki continued to smile to himself for the rest of the journey back to the castle where a harsh scolding awaited.


Why was this part so short um?
Hopefully it was still okay regardless :D

A Prince and his Flower 🌸 (TodorokiXOC)Where stories live. Discover now