If Y/N and Bucky Were Partners

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Once again, there won't be a trivia question at the end of this chapter because I am still working on a request that was already made. Once that chapter is published requests will be open again. This chapter and storyline is being completed because it's one of the ones I really wanted to do. I'll begin focusing much more on reader suggestions once this storyline slows down at the end of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier show. Thanks, Lane.

Y/N Stark P.O.V
Earth 005
April, 2025
9:21 am

    I looked nervously between the Wakandan, Ayo, and Bucky. There was a brief moment of silence then Ayo stepped forward and spoke up.
    "How could you free him?" she said angrily.
    "We need his help," Bucky replied.
    She began to walk circles around us she spoke.
    "With time, will, and the resources the Winter Soldier programming was removed from you like a rotten fur."
    "And I'm grateful for that," Bucky replied. "I'm grateful for everything you and Shuri have done-"
    "Zemo murdered our King T'Chaka at the UN," she interrupted. "The man who chose us. Who chose me, to protect him."
    "I understand," Bucky said.
    "Very little," Ayo continued mockingly. "If anything, of our loss and our shame."
    "He's a means to an end," he said in Wakandan.
    "Eight hours, White Wolf," she said, then her eyes flicked over to me. "And Mr. Stark. Eight hours, and then we come for him."
    She held out her hand and waved her fingers, he put the Wakandan tech we found in her hand.
    She turned on her heel and walked away, causing me to sigh slightly. I reached over absentmindedly and interlocked my fingers with Bucky's. He squeezed my fingers, then we turned around and walked back to Zemo's place. We made our walk quick and hurried inside, looking over our shoulders.
We walked into the parlor where Sam and Zemo were.
"Well, the Wakandans are here. They want Zemo," Bucky said. "Bought us some more time."
"We've got eight hours," I added.
"Were you followed?" Sam asked.
"No," Bucky replied.
"How can you be so sure?" Zemo asked.
"Cause I know when I'm being followed," he snapped back.
"It was sweet of you to defend me at least," Zemo said.
"Hey, you shut it. No one's defending you. You killed Nagel," Sam said.
"And you're still technically an enemy," I added.
I turned away from Sam and Zemo as Bucky picked up his phone and furrowed his eyebrows at whatever was on the screen. I read the headline describing the Flag Smashers terrorist attack on a GRC depot, my jaw fell slightly open.
"Guys..." I said.
"Karli bombed a GRC supplies depot," Bucky said.
"What? What's the damage?" Sam said.
"Eleven injured, three dead," Bucky replied. "They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met."
"She's getting worse," Zemo said. "I have the will to complete this mission. Do the three of you?"
"She's just a kid," Sam said.
"You're seeing something in her that isn't there," Zemo replied. "You're clouded by it. She's a supremacist. The very concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It's that warped aspiration that led to Nazis, to Ultron, to the Avengers."
    "Those are our friends you're talking about," Sam said.
    "The Avengers, not the Nazis," Bucky clarified sarcastically.
    "Karli is radicalized, but there has to be a peaceful way to stop her," Sam said.
    "The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals," Zemo said. "Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path."
    I looked over to Bucky as he said this, gauging for a reaction.
    "She will not stop," Zemo continued. "She will escalate until you kill her. Or she kills you."
    "Maybe you're wrong, Zemo," Bucky said. "The serum never corrupted Steve."
    "Touché," Zemo said. "But there has never been another Steve Rogers, has there?"
    "Well, maybe we should give him to the Wakandans right now," Bucky said.
    "I'm for it," I mumbled.
    "And you'll give up your tour guide?" Zemo replied.
    "Yes," Bucky said.
    "From my understanding, Donya is like a pillar of the community, right? So, when I was a kid, my TT passed away," Sam said.
    "You-your TT?" Bucky said, sharing a look with me.
    "Yeah, my TT, yeah," Sam said.
    "Who is this mysterious TT?" I asked sarcastically, trying to hide a smile at Bucky.
    Sam chuckled a little and looked at us with a raised eyebrow.
    "You two are made for each other, you know that? Fine. When I was a kid, my aunt passed away. The entire neighborhood got together for a ceremony. It was like a week long. Maybe they're doing the same thing for Donya."
    "It's possible," I said.
    "Worth a shot," Bucky agreed.

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