Chapter 6: Dead Air

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   Alan was looking out his window and sighed before looking down at the folder sitting on his desk. The folder held the updates on Project Superbird and it would be at least five months until it was finished. He turned from the window and put on his helmet before leaving the room. He had already double checked his gear and triple checked his team's gear earlier. They had a nasty surprise for the Slavers and it was sure to cripple them enough for a killing blow.

   It has been a few days since the attack on the Raiders trapped in the vault. From what reports say, they had already increased the Deathclaw's intelligence to that of a human child. It would be months before they could be used on the front lines and in battles. They were already developing the armor that would be used by the Deathclaws once they prove to stay loyal to them. They were not like the Enclave and were not going to force the Deathclaws to fight for them.

   Alan now stood before his team and was making sure each of them knew their mission. They were going to sneak into the underground tunnels below the base and kill any Slavers they met. Once the tunnels were clear for the main force to enter, they were to head on towards the leader of the Slavers and assassinate him. The other teams that were to go in with them were to secure the slaves and take out the Bombcallor Station. They were the same teams he lead into the vault to take out the Raiders.

   After making sure his team was ready, Alan and his team loaded up in an APC and headed towards the staging point. It only took a hour and they waited for their signal to begin. A Vertibird hovered above them and fired an EMP missile, which went off in the middle of the base. With the power gone, the Slavers' defense and targeting systems were down and they couldn't set off the Bombcallors. Alan nodded to his team before turning on his Stealthboy and rushed towards the tunnel entrance. After entering the tunnels, Alan knew for the lack of forces that the Slavers had fallen back to a defensive line, but that would do little to save them.

   They made it half way to their exit before they found the defensive line. Alan saw that there was a good twenty Slavers in cover, but they had stealth on their side. They made quick work of the Slavers and reported in that their sector was clear, shortly followed by the other teams. They slowly exit the tunnels into the basement of the Commander's house. There were only two guards standing by the door leading upstairs. Alan looked at Chris before nodding and they both moved towards their chosen target.

   The one on the right looked to the other and said, "What was it that they hit us with again?" The other one growled and said, "It was called an EMP you dumbass." He sighed when silence met his ears and looked to his right. He notice that his retarded friend's head was gone and before he could make a noise, his head was crushed into paste by Chris's keyblade shaped super sledge. With that done, they went up to the main floor and found three more Slavers. Alan signaled Chris, Justin, and Rin to stay behind to take care of the Slavers and to alert him if more came in. Alan and Emily proceed to the Commander's bedroom and found the Slaver boss sleeping on the bed with beer bottles around him. Alan smiled slightly and slit the poor bastard's throat before giving the signal to take out the three Slavers.

   Alan and his team regrouped in the main room just as loud explosions and gun fire pierced the silent air. Alan took out Salvation and kicked the door open before sending a short burst of fire into the Saver two feet from the door. He and his team joined the fighting outside. The Slavers were falling like flies and the base was quickly taken. He noticed that there was a few prisoners and ordered them to be taken back to base and fed to the Deathclaws. These sinners were not going to meet a quick end by bullets.

   Alan stood on the back of a truck and looked at the freed slaves below him. He looked into their eyes and said, "All of you that wish to join the Crimson Legion and are of age, please raise your hands." Out of the hundred slaves only sixty hands went up. Alan nodded and ordered a few of his men to load them up in trucks and take them to their boot camp. He then ordered for the rest to be taken to whichever town they belonged to.

   Alan lead his team to an APC and headed back to the base. The 15th Armored Infantry Core had earned a long break from combat, but it was only for a month before they were back onto the front lines. After arriving at the base, he dismissed his team and went to shower. After finishing, he fed Sora and relaxed in his chair before Emily came in. From the look in her eyes, Alan knew that one "soldier" was not going to get a break any time soon.

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