Chapter 22: "Everything's fucked."

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Casey POV

"Fuck." I wheezed as I flopped down onto the ground, my chest constricting tightly. Track practice had just finished and I could not be more glad, I saw Izzie guzzling water from across the track and admired her side profile from afar.

As she drank from her bottle, I saw a stream of water escape her mouth and trickle down her neck past her jaw. I felt hypnotised to watch even in my semi lucid stage. She didn't seem fazed by it at all, and allowed the cool water to flow down her chest.

Once she'd finished, she looked over, caught my eye, and seemed amused at the state I was in.

"Can't keep up Newton?" She asked teasingly, and handed me her bottle.

I took big gulps of water, before I even contemplated responding. The cool water soothed my dry throat, and I closed my eyes in bliss still on the ground.

"Shut up." I mumbled weakly, and held my eyes open just enough to see her lay down beside me. We were pretty far away from the team, who were still replenishing across the field.

"Not so cocky now are ya?" She continued to tease me, and I groaned in annoyance.

The truth was, I had been staying extra late after practice. Running drills, and training harder than I've ever trained. Crowley had been insistent that I put track first, and everything else second. I hadn't given her an answer about whether I wanted to be the captain yet. It still made me feel uneasy.

"Come on, everybody is going in." Izzie told me and stood up, she held her hand for me to grab which I gratefully accepted.

Once we made it over to the others, I noticed Coach eyeing me and I tried to hide in the group but failed miserably.

"Casey, a word." She called, and I had to hold back the eye roll that threatened to make itself known.

Izzie raised her brow but didn't say anything, she placed a kiss to my cheek, and walked off with the other girls.

"So, do you have an answer for me?" She asked once we were out of earshot.

"Uh- no... not yet." I stammered, unable to force the words out of my throat.

"I'll give you some time to think over the next week, but I want an answer by next Friday." Crowley told me, and I nodded but kept my eyes downcast. "Don't make the wrong decision Casey, your future is on the line." She spoke seriously, and I gulped harder than before.

"Yes coach." I replied, and she smiled before sending me off.


Izzie's POV

After practice, I decided to stay over at Casey's house for a little bit. Admittedly because I've missed her recently, I noticed her dedication to track had been amplified and I've hardly hung out with her as much as I would like to.

Regardless, nothing feels better than when I'm laying in my girlfriends arms.

I heard a ping come from my phone, but decided I'm too lazy to go grab it. That's until another ping came, and I groaned and checked.

Dani🐻: You kinda need to come home...

Dani🐻: like now.

That got my attention, I rose out of my girlfriends arms, who groaned slightly but I ignored her as I typed out a response.

Izzie: Why? What's wrong?

I texted back, as I sat up on the living room couch. Casey's parents sat on the opposite chairs watching something on the tv. I felt Casey pull me back into her arms, but I couldn't relax until I got a reply.

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