Chapter 12: "Kisses and cuddles."

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Casey's POV

It was weirdly relieving finding out that Evan had told my dad, because now I didn't have to. Even though they'll probably be pissed at me for a while.

Laying on my bed, Izzie had crawled up next to me and nestled her face in the crook of my neck. Her hot breath made my skin tickle, but I didn't mind at all. In fact it calmed me to hear her steady inhale and exhale, as her lips lingered on the sensitive skin. I had my arms draped loosely around her waist, while I stroked her back lovingly.

And a certain guilt began to plague my thoughts, as I kissed her forehead gently.

I hadn't exactly been completely open and honest, regarding the whole Evan situation. And it dawned on me that what I was doing may eventually bite me in the ass. I had assumed that Izzie had drifted off in my arms since she hadn't moved for a while, but she surprised me by kissing my neck softly, before pulling away to meet my gaze.

Looking down I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful being laying beside me, to which she reciprocated by smiling even wider making my heart skip a beat.

I caught her eyes glancing down to my lips, as she bit her own slowly. Causing a mini heart attack in my chest, although I attempted to appear unfazed. And simply stared intently into those chocolate brown eyes I adored so much.

Izzie leaned in slowly and pressed her lips on mine, which I reciprocated almost immediately. I cupped her cheek in my hand as I tilted her head, leaning deeper into the kiss.

I captured her heavenly bottom lip, and sucked on it harder than I intended. Although a delicious moan escaped her lips, causing me to smirk in satisfaction. I must have really turned her on, because she recaptured my lips more urgently. As she pushed her body on top of mine, her hands trailing up my shirt as she did so. Sending shivers all over my body, her touch drove me wild.

Her tongue brushed on my lip desperately, and I could see that she also craved to deepen the kiss. I complied by tilting my head as I parted my lips, giving her more access to roam. As much as I enjoyed being the more "dominant" force in the relationship, it was a huge turn on having her in control. Her tongue brushed against mine at an excruciatingly slow pace, as she deepened the kiss. She continued the slow and sensual kisses as she teased my tongue playfully, arousing me even more.

I almost squealed as her hips began thrusting against mine, I felt her smirk against my lips. And felt a little embarrassed, at my untamed reaction. She disconnected our lips and I probably looked a flustered mess, but the warmth and love that emitted from her chocolate eyes touched my soul. Causing me to blush even more than I was already. The moment didn't last long because before I knew it her lips crashed back into mine, and for a second I felt like I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes Izzie was above me again, and I realised she was struggling to take her shirt off. Giggling shyly she asked for my help, and I pulled it off swiftly before throwing it to the ground.

I gulped heavily as I eyed her black laced bralette, which complemented her beautifully tanned skin. She eyed me nervously as I took in the newly exposed skin, meeting her gaze I smiled lovingly. As I tried calming her nerves, and she smiled back just as sweet. Our lips reunited once more, and she cupped my face in her hands sending a thousand more butterflies in my stomach. I felt her lips press more firmly, as if to prove to me how much she cared. And I reciprocated just as fiercely, as my hands made their way up her exposed back. I tried unclipping her bra, and to my surprise felt her holding my arm to stop me.

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