Chapter 16: "New student."

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Izzie's POV

I've been ditching school for the past week, I just can't bring myself to face Casey right now.

My mother has been coming and going, throughout the week. And when she asked my why I wasn't at school, I put on my best sick voice and performed an Oscar worthy performance. She seemed to buy it, and allowed me a few days off.

Avoiding her felt weird, given that we're practically joined by the hip 24/4. But something inside me was deeply triggered last weekend, seeing that girl who clearly still had a thing for my girlfriend. Had upset me more than I realised, the fact that this girl "Lauren" chick, had such a strong bond with Casey made me feel insecure. I mean, their families love each other, and they clearly get along if they're still friends even with the long distance. And she isn't the worst looking in the world, in fact if it didn't make me physically sick to my stomach. I'd say they'd actually make a pretty cute couple, I know, ew.

So I'm doing what I always do when I expect disappointment. I'm shutting myself off, before the inevitable heartbreak. She'll soon realise that I'm just damaged goods, and that she's meant to be with 'Lauren Jauregui'. The perfect 'girl next door' type, with two loving, stable parents and a welcoming family. And when she realises, I'll be left in the dust. With a broken heart. Even if she doesn't mean to, hell even if she doesn't want to.

The first two days, Casey had been trying to reach me nonstop, and I felt guilty that I had been airing her texts and calls. She eventually stopped trying, and that should have been a relief... But weirdly it felt like a stab in the heart, which is weird considering I'm the one doing this to her. It made me wonder what had made her stop though.

I decide it's best if I get out of bed, before my thoughts bring on another breakdown. As I slump down the stairs I hear Dani speaking to my mother from the kitchen.

"Izzie is grown now, she can date whomever she pleases. And you're a bit late now don't you think?" Dani's faint voice speaks.

"No you are wrong, Izzie would never." My mother's voice is more clear, and loud.

"You haven't even been here! How the hell would you know!" Dani yelled, and I stumble into the room to find them both in a fierce staring match.

"Daniela Sophia Gomez! I am your mother, do not talk to me like this." My mother pressed angrily, and I just braced myself for whatever Dan would say.

"Some kind of mother." I hear her mumble, and before I can intervene a loud slap echoed through the kitchen. And my instinct is to jump up to Dani's side, she clutched her face in horror. And I could see the tears brimming in her eyes, it broke my heart. It also fuelled the fiery pit of rage, deep within me that was already bubbling over the edge.

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER!" I suddenly screamed at her, and she looked completely in shock at my sudden appearance. I held Dani protectively, but held a strong front against my mother. She just shook her head, with a look of resentment.

"Is it true Isabella?" She spoke slowly, her voice laced with venom. I frowned in confusion, and she elaborated. "Are you dating a woman?" She emphasised, as if this idea was ludicrous.

I felt my mouth go dry, and my pulse quicken. But I couldn't deny my relationship, and even if she doesn't accept it. I don't care about her opinion anyway. I felt Dani squeeze my hand and mumble 'sorry it slipped out.' into my shoulder, and I kissed her temple reassuringly. Inhaling a deep breath, I centred myself and spoke honestly.

"Yes. I am. And I'm in love." I watched her face fall, and I hated to admit it but a small part of my heart that still ached for a loving mother cracked painfully. Of course she wouldn't except it, what did I expect?

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