Chapter 9: "That night."

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Evan's POV

"Evan.... wake up we're here." I heard Casey's distinctive voice, bounce around my head. As I stirred awake, confused as to why I was in the passenger seat of my car.

The last thing remembered I was in a bar, I think Casey's snobby school friend was there for some reason. And I'm pretty sure the dude had a busted nose or something.

But how did that lead me to here? Sitting next to Casey?

"Where are we?" I groaned, feeling each word rattle around my head. Casey glared at me, she had a tinge of anger in her eyes.

"Your house." She replied blatantly, looking away from me. I sat up, slowly but surely coming back to my senses.

"I- uhh." I was unsure of what to say, I mean what do you say to your ex girlfriend. "Why am I? - Why are you?....."

"You came to my house, drunk out of your fucking mind-" Casey all but screamed at me. "-Telling me you needed to tell me something." She finally turned to look at me, I felt sick to my stomach as the events of the past 48 hours flooded my memory. And a sudden chill ran up my spine, when I remembered what I'd done.

Casey paused to collect herself, staring out the window furiously. I didn't dare speak a word.

"I heard what you said when you were knocked out." Her voice was shaking slightly, with anger.


"Explain yourself." She said turning around to confront me face to face.

"What do you mean..." I said panicking slightly, if she meant what I think she means then I'm screwed. What had I said, shit.

"Case-" I started, but she cut me off before I could say another word.

"Don't even try and lie, or I swear to god..." She said deadly serious, I knew the only thing to say was the truth. But as I opened my mouth to speak, I couldn't manage the ugly truth.

"Casey... I'm so sorry." I couldn't fight the tears that threatened my eyes. I felt a huge stab of guilt twist in my stomach, as I looked at Casey.

"So it's true." She said breaking eye contact harshly, "How did Nate know." She spat bitterly.

"Nate.... Broken nose boy?" I said slowly remembering him from earlier, Casey glared at me.

"Tell me what happened. Now." I'd never seen her this angry before, and I deserved it.

"Last night.... I don't remember much..." I started, searching my scattered mind. I remember parts of it but not all. Casey wasn't taking that as an answer, she continued glaring at me. "I was... Drinking and I saw your car. Then I remember seeing someone... I think it was that Nate kid." I paused seeing her reaction, she was furious.

"What did you do?" She said clenching her jaw tightly, I swallowed hard, I felt ashamed of my actions that night.

I wasn't me that night, I was someone else. Someone unrecognisable. And I feel deeply embarrassed.

"I saw him... wrecking your car- and I-" my voice cracked, as I was suddenly hit with a wave of shame. "I was so angry." Casey looked at me with disgust and anger.

"I don't believe you." She yelled, tears brimming her eyes. She ripped her eyes from me once more, glaring out the car window.

For a moment, neither of us dared to speak up. The silence closed around my neck like a noose, it felt like nothing I could say would make up for it.

"Case- I'm so sorry... I'll pay for it, I'll do anything-" I pleaded, but Casey's face was full of resentment. I reached out to hold her hand.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She said infuriated, smacking my hand. "You are not the person I thought you were."

Casey opened the door, before slamming it shut angrily.

"Wait-" I tried to call her back, but she was long gone up the street.

Fuck me.

I've really fucked this one up. This isn't me! Why on earth would I do this!

I slammed my fist against the car in anger, the fury that was coursing through my veins was uncontrollable.

I need to make this right.


Izzie's POV

Laying on Casey's bed, now fully clothed, felt like forever. She's been gone for like half an hour now, and I just need to talk to her.

Why has something, always got to ruin our special moments together. Can't we catch a damn break.

I heard a knock come from the front door, and sat upright immediately. Slightly disappointed at the sight of Elsa, standing by the door.

"Hey Izzie, do you know what that was about, earlier?" Elsa asked concerned, I wasn't so sure either to be honest.

He's probably just jealous that I stole his girl.

"I'm not sure... But Casey will probably tell me when she gets back." I replied smiling reassuringly at Elsa, she accepted my response and smiled back at me before leaving.

I flopped back onto the bed, checking my messages, still unread.

Me: It's been a while Case u okay?

Me: What's going on?

Me: You have some explaining to do when you get back.

And wondering, why the hell she couldn't have just called him a goddamn Uber. It's the 21st century, he didn't need to be escorted home.

Whatever, I'm sure she'll tell me everything when she gets back...


Casey's POV

The Uber ride over to my house allowed me to clear my mind, of what the hell just happened.

Evan did it. Evan. Of all people, he'd be one of the last people I'd suspect. I feel so betrayed, and hurt.

I have no idea what I'm gonna tell Izzie when I get home, I'm not sure if i wanna tell anyone just yet. At least until the water settles...

Finally the car pulled up to my house, and I exited nervously, giving my thanks to the driver.

As quietly as I could, I opened the door and crept in. Thank God, Jesus and all things holy that Elsa wasn't anywhere to be seen, allowing me to get to my room without interrogations.

I creeped into my room, and Izzie was in bed snoring loudly, and quite cutely might I add. I tried my best to close the door quietly, but failed, Izzie groaned a little as she stirred in her sleep.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her in my bed, slowly I crawled under the covers. And snuggled up to Izzie, who had felt my presence and turned around to nestle into my chest.

This was my happy place, with Izzie.

And laying here, holding her in my arms, everything started to fade away almost like a bad dream. As I drifted off, into a deep sleep.



- Layla

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