Chapter 18: "F&MU."

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Such a pretty girl 😍 ^

When Lauren and I got out of the car, Izzie's eyes darted between us, and I felt myself sweat profusely.

"Izzie... I didn't expect to see you here." I said nervously, because what else would I have said.

"I came to apologise..." she glared back over at Lauren, who stood awkwardly next to me. "You weren't in lesson... and you didn't answer my calls... now I know why." Shit, she came back to classes. And now she was assuming the worst, great, just what I needed.

"I should go-" Lauren backed away slowly, and I nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah you should." Izzie snarled at Lauren, and if looks could kill...

"Uhhhh... Cya later Casey." Lauren said quietly, which is unusual behaviour, from the usually confident girl.

"Yeah." I breathed, and attempted a small smile, which hopefully didn't look as forced as it felt. Lauren's Jeep pulled out and left just as quickly, and I finally cleared my throat.

Izzie looked at me expectantly, and I felt nerves shoot through my body. Which is stupid, and why am I feeling suddenly guilty?

"Well?" Izzie asked me, and I frowned in confusion.

"What?" I asked, and she gave me a pointed look, like I knew what she meant.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked, her hands settling on her hips, in an intimidating posture. I suddenly felt scrutinised, what had I done wrong exactly?

"Why does it matter?" I rebutted, and she seemed to grow even more frustrated.

"Because you where with her, that's why!" She practically growled at me, and it took a second before I spoke again.

"Lauren?" I asked, but immediately regretted when she practically seethed with anger. "She was just making me feel better." I didn't realise how the words would sound until they left my mouth. I quickly appeased before she could get the wrong idea. "Not! Like that!"

"What the fuck?! Are you serious?" She fumed, and I could see the vein popping out of her neck. Which I would have found hot, if I weren't deathly terrified.

"Come inside, please... I don't want to do this in front of my whole neighbourhood." She seemed hesitant at first, but reluctantly followed me into the house. My parents weren't gonna be back for another 2 hours, and Sam was back at college. She hovered around the doorway, while I sat down on the couch, and gestured for her to come closer.

"Why the fuck were you with her Casey?" She asked, not making a move from the hallway.

"It's not like that, I promise."

"Then what is it like?!" She argued visibly pissed. When I didn't say anything for a long moment she continued. "Why did you ignore my calls?" Now that, that really got to me.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I couldn't hold back my anger. "Doesn't feel nice does it? How do you think I've felt all week? Huh?" She looked down guiltily, and she looked at a loss for words.

I saw her defensive front disintegrate, and her eyes welled up. It tore me apart to see her this way, I felt my face soften at the scene, her trembling bottom lip told me all I needed to know.

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