Chapter 15: "An old friend."

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Casey's POV

"Babyyyyy" I hear a faint voice call, and I scrunch my face up when I feel something tickling my face. Though soon smile as I realise the thing tickling me, as the pair of beautiful lips I've grown to adore. "Babe, wake uppppp." I feel her hum against my neck, as she continues her kisses along my jaw. I find myself grinning like the Cheshire Cat, as I slowly open my eyes.

I groan when the sunlight coming through the little window, shines onto the bed. And therefore into my unsuspecting eyes, it looks like it had been raining all morning as the window was trickling with water. I find that Izzie is lying flat on top of me already showered and dressed casually.

"What time is it?" I grumble returning her affection with kisses of my own, this causes her to giggle excitedly.

"Finally! I've been trying to wake you for ages." She says running her hands through my hair and bringing herself down to connect our lips in a short but sweet kiss. "It's like half 11, uhh... No offence baby but get your butt up and brush your teeth, I wanna kiss you properly." She says pulling me up.

"Hey! my breath doesn't smell that bad." I pout, but begrudgingly get up and slowly pad into the bathroom. Once I brushed my teeth and wash my face, and sort out the birds nest that seemed to be my hair. I re-enter the bedroom, only to find it Izzie-less. "Iz?" I call walking into the other room, and saw her in the little kitchen next to the stove.

"In here, I'm making breakfast since you're so lazy." She calls back, and I now see she's scrambling eggs over the cooker. Wifey.

"You're making breakfast for me?" I smirk as I walk up from behind and rest my hands naturally at her hips. Her breath hitches, when my lips find their way to the spot under her ear. As I apply light suction to the sensitive skin, I hear her release a quiet moan. She tilts her head to the side giving me more access, enough to see she's gonna burn the eggs if we kept it up. "The eggs." I whisper against her neck, this causes her to snap her head back down and grunt in frustration.

"Damn it." She huffs, as she tends to the eggs. I try to contain my laughter but end up snickering, though I end up being elbowed by and annoyed looking Izzie. "Don't make fun of me you jerk." She replaces the look of annoyance with a pout. I quickly kiss it off her face, and I feel her smile into the kiss.

Breakfast was actually bomb, Izzie made some kind of omelette thing and it was pretty darn good. I made sure to tell her that, which in return earned me a shy smile from the Latina which was of course was adorable.

"So what do you wanna do today?" She asks as we finish up with breakfast, I hadn't really thought about it that much but I figured we'd do something chill.

"Uhhhh... It's raining so I guess we'll have to stay in." I say eyeing the steady drizzle cautiously. Izzie groans, making a sad face.

"Do you have anything to do here?" She asks placing the dishes in the sink, and turning around to jump onto the sofa.

I shuffle over to the tv and search the cupboard next to it, where all the board games and movies are. I pull out a few movies and we decide, to watch a few movies to pass the time. The whole time, we're snuggled up on the couch in a fuzzy blanket. Although I find myself staring up at her beautiful face, throughout the movie. I was laying across the couch with my head in her lap, as we watched fantastic four. Not my choice, not hers either but it was the best out of the others. The feeling of her hands combing through my hair soothingly was unreal, I moved slightly to gaze up at her. She notice my movement and looked down, catching my adoration and smiling bashfully.

"Stop staring creep." She teased, attempting to appear unfazed. Although the look in her eyes told me a different story, I just smirked and kissed her lips sweetly.

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