Chapter 17: "Jauregui's crazy golf."

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Bit of a random one but ✌🏼hope u have a wonderful day x

Casey's POV

The last week has been awful, I've been trying to talk to Izzie. But she's been "busy", which is code for "leave me the heck alone." Which is painfully unnatural for our relationship, I remember 'he who shall not be named' once told me and Izzie we where joined at the hip. And to be honest it's pretty true, we're hardly ever not together. And when we are apart, I'm probably texting her or visa versa. That's why this week has been such a blow to the heart. She's been purposefully ignoring me. That realisation made my heart break many times.

When I found out Lauren was serious about moving to Clayton, shocked was putting it lightly. Fucked was more like it. Lauren had only started Clayton last Thursday, turns out she'd been on the waiting list and finally got the place. I had anticipated that Izzie wouldn't be too thrilled, at this new revelation. Especially after last Sunday, stupid Chris.

But I did not expect her to faint!

I rushed by Izzie's side before she could hit the ground, and grabbed onto her. As I held her, I finally got a chance to see her pretty face for the first time since Sunday. I frowned at the prominent dark circles under her eyes, and how pale her face seemed. It hurt me to see her looking so drained. Before I could do anything, the teacher came rushing over and checked Izzie's pulse.

The class crowded around us, gasping loudly and annoyingly. I shot some bone chilling glares at the gawking students, and that seemed to disperse the crowd slightly.

"Students take your seats now" the teacher yelled, as she contacted someone on her radio. I was allowed to stay, as I was the one holding her still.

"Is she okay?" Lauren asked next to me, and I only just realised how close she actually was to me. When had she come over?

"She's going to be fine, I've called for the nurse." The teacher told Lauren, who nodded.

The nurse came seconds after, and I helped carry her to the nurses office. As we carried Izzie I noticed the nurse, who looks about 60 years old or something, was a bit out of breathe and red in the face.

"I'll carry her." I tell the woman, and relief washes over her face when she nods gratefully. She hands over Izzie's legs, and I wrap my arm under her knees while holding her close to my chest. As I walked down the hall, I feel her snuggling up to me, also the ghost of a smile, that appeared on her perfect lips doesn't slip past me.

God I've missed this. Just holding her right now sent my heart soaring. I was tempted to kiss her somehow, maybe on the head, or cheek... or lips.

"Lay her on the bed, dear." Nurse told me, I did as she said and carefully laid her down. She looked so peaceful, and honesty more beautiful than ever. Though she looks a little tired, a part of me worried it had to do with me. "I'll be back in a minute." The nurse told me, and left the quiet room.

I was about to grab a drink of water, when I saw Izzie stir slightly, in the corner of my eye. And the delicate flutter of her long eyelashes, signalling she was about to wake up.

Her eyes squinted at the bright medical 'whiteness' of the room. And her brows furrowed in confusion, her slow blinking eyes suddenly scanned around the room. Until they landed on me, and our eyes met. Her eyes widened and she seemed to waken up pretty fast, sitting up abruptly. Which she clearly regretted since, she clutched her head as she groaned out in pain. Instinctively I rushed over to her side, and held the hand that rested on her head.

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