Chapter 14: "Fluffy ducky."

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^^^ didn't know what to title it lmao

⚠️ Warning alotttttt of fluffy content lol, but that won't be the same forever sooooo... enjoy the floof. 👀 ⚠️ (haven't proofread lol✌🏼)

Izzie's POV

"Are we nearly there?" I groaned for the thousandth time.

"Nearly there, I promise." Casey chuckled resting her hand on my thigh. "You know there's a thing called patience, princess." She teased.

I couldn't stop my smile upon my new nickname, feeling my heart flutter in my chest. A feeling I feel i'll never grow tired of.

"I love that." I spoke my thoughts, without a filter.

"What?" She asked, as she began stroking my thigh softly in soothing circles.

"Being your princess." I gushed, clearly not caring how cheesy or corny I sounded. An effect that only she had the power of.

A beautiful smile graced her face as she turned to me.

"We'll get used to it, because you are my princess." She squeezed my leg gently, I smiled to myself feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

Half an hour later

"So... say you won the lottery... what would you spend your money on?" Casey asked throwing a twizzler at me, I smacked her arm but willingly took the twizzler as I was pretty hungry.

"You're so random." I laughed, turning my head to the side. Only to see her staring at me expectingly. "Uhhhh, I guess I'd..." I paused for a moment thinking over my answer, returning my gaze back to the window staring into the vast blue sky as if searching for my answer. "How much we talking?" I asked stalling.

"Say... 30 million." She replied, returning her gaze to the road.

"Well... I've always dreamt of travelling the world... so I guess I'd plan a trip. After high school of course." I said thoughtfully, she hummed in approval. "Oh, and I'm dragging your ass with me by the way. I'm not travelling the world without my heart." I said kissing her cheek, she blushed at me words and gestured for me to continue. "hmmm, that's a lot of money." I giggled. "I would shower you in all sorts of gifts and I'd practically be your sugar momma." She cackled loudly at my choice of words. "I'd give back to my family, especially my Abuela. I'd probably buy a huge ass mansion for all of my family, like kardashian level boujiness."

That earned a little chuckle. "I would set aside a chunk to give back to local charities," I thought for a moment, trying to think of more things "Oh and i'd invest a shit ton into real estate."

She chucked at my last comment, but nodded approvingly of my list.

"What about you?" I asked turning back to her.

"Hmmmm.... I would..." she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she pondered. "I would buy an island, and forbid any human to exist on my island. Without my permission." She said smiling curtly.

"Seriously- " I giggled between laughs, she really is something else. "Be real." I whopped her head.

"What is it with you hitting me when I'm driving!" She whacked me back, laughing.

"You shouldn't be so annoying, maybe I won't hit you." I giggle repositioning myself in the seat once more.

"Wow, and people think I'm the mean one." She said shaking her head, in a disappointed manner.

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